Land Cover Mapping

Mapping Zones

The stratification of the region into mapping zones was based upon the approach adopted for the National Land Cover Dataset (2001). We have worked with the EROS Data Center (EDC) to refine those mapping zones so that they are based on eco-regional boundaries as defined by Omernik (

SE-GAP was responsible for mapping NLCD landcover for seven of these mapping zones, as outlined in the map below. All NLCD landcover products are available for the contiguous US from the MRLC website.

SE-GAP is producing detailed GAP landcover based on Ecological Systems for all the map zones in the map below.

   Landcover Type
Southeast GAP Mapping Zones  NLCD GAP
45 : Mississippi Alluvial Valley (partial)  -X
46 : Gulf Coastal Plain  XX
47 : Western Dentucky Interior  -X
48 : Southern Interior Highlands  XX
53 : Eastern Interior Highlands  -X
54 : Southern Piedmont  XX
55 : Southern Coastal Plain  XX
56 : Southern Florida  -X
57 : Northern Blue Ridge Mountains  XX
58 : Northern Coastal Plain  XX
59 : Northern Piedmont  XX
60 : Chesapeake Bay (partial)  -X
61 : Central Appalachians (partial)  -X

For mapping zones in which other collaborators were working, the mapping zone boundaries were created by EDC and are based on both spectral and ecological homogeneity (