SE-GAP Vertebrate Predicted Habitat
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- Identification_Information:
- Citation:
- Citation_Information:
- Online_Linkage: <>
- Originator: Southeast Gap Analysis Project
- Publication_Date: 20100401
- Title: SE-GAP Vertebrate Predicted Habitat
- Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data
- Originator:
Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
- Originator:
Alabama Gap Project, Alabama Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Auburn University, Alabama 36839
- Originator:
Spatial Analysis Laboratory, University of Georgia, Athens Georgia 30602
- Edition: 1.0
- Native_Data_Set_Environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
- Description:
- Abstract:
This raster map represents the presence/absence of predicted habitat of a single terrestrial vertebrate species. Since it is one of 602 species whose predicted distributions were modeled by SE-GAP, the processes used to create this raster map may differ from other species in this dataset. Processes were unique because while a majority of models incorporated land use/land cover data as the primary input, several other environmental features were incorporated for specific species depending on life history and habitat requirements noted both in published literature and expert review with biologists.
- Purpose:
This data set was developed by the Southeast GAP Analysis Project to be used as a coarse filter in determining the location of species' habitats in the Southeast United States for conservation planning purposes. Seasonal known ranges for 602 vertebrate species (131 amphibians, 253 birds, 95 mammals and 123 reptiles) were modeled by SE-GAP based on existing state, regional and national references. This data was prepared in compliance with the National GAP effort.
- Supplemental_Information:
Southeast Gap Analysis Predicted Habitat Development
One of the major objectives of the National GAP program is to document the representation of native vertebrate species in regional assesments. In order to meet this objective, we developed a spatial database of predicted species distributions throughout the region. While we don't have the resources to conduct a complete survey for every species, we do have access to a tremendous knowledge base that allows us to model distrubutions based on known range and habitat relationships.
The composition and structure of the dominant vegetation is an important and easily described measure of habitat for animals (Scott et al. 1993) and has long been used as an indirect indicator of animal distributions (Austin 1991). Other biotic and abiotic factors (i.e. elevation, wetland type, and distance from standing water) can also play a major role in defining a particular species' habitat. Many studies of vertebrate species have been conducted over the years documenting this type of information. In addition, data on known ranges for vertebrate species has also been collected. This includes not only survey data records, but the cumulative field experiences of biologists who work with these species on a daily basis. If we take a habitat description, break it down into vegetative communities and other environmental factors (e.g. elevation, wetland type, etc.), and then identified those areas within a known range, we would be creating a predicted distribution map. That is essentially what we did for each terrestrial vertebrate species modeled in the Southeast. The final step was to overlay those maps together to get a representation of biodiversity.
Why did we model only terrestrial vertebrates? Again, its a matter of resources. Realistically, we can only model a subset of all species. Terrestrial vertebrates are a logical choice because we generally know more about their habitat relationships and range extents than those of other taxa. Even so, there are over 600 terrestrial vertebrates modeled. The key to filling in the 'gaps' in the documented data is to have a thorough review by experts at every stage.
Species List Development
Selection Criteria
Gap Analysis predicted distribution maps are being created for all vertebrate species that breed in the Southeastern U.S. or use habitat there for an important part of their life history. Decisions were made on which species' habitats will be mapped based on standard Gap Analysis guidelines. Species lists have been created for each of the southeastern states by state-level Gap projects; these lists were compiled and pared down to remove some subspecies and domesticated species. Subspecies were only included when supported as distinct and non-overlapping with either the full species or other subspecies. The final list includes amphibians, mammals, reptiles, breeding birds, and wintering waterfowl.
After review, 602 species remained for habitat modeling: 131 Amphibian species, 253 Avian species, 95 Mammalian species, and Reptilian species.
Predictive Modeling of Habitat
Models of presence/absence for a species' predicted distribution may include a number of spatially explicit data sources. GAP models typically involve land use/land cover data as the primary input. However, other environmental features that make up the landscape constituting species' habitats can be valuable inputs to modeling. The SE-GAP project has attempted to use a number of data layers (ancillary data) other than land cover to develop species models. Many of these data layers act as surrogates for one or more aspects of a species' habitat that may only be inferred from available, remotely sensed information. The following document is meant to describe these data layers and their development, their range of parameters, and usage in modeling species' predicted distributions.
NOTE: The term "map unit" will be used throughout the document to mean the individual class or category mapped to represent land use and land cover, i.e. ecological systems.
Developing Known Range
All 602 terrestrial vertebrate species' geographic range extents were delineated as single or multiple polygons. Migratory species were primarily represented by breeding season ranges, however, wintering ranges for waterfowl and migratory bats were also delineated (33 species) Processes used to create range polygons were unique because information on the current geographic range of a species varies widely. However, a generalized approach used a variety of sources to develop species' ranges including sources of information in two broad categories: 1) species location records and range maps available digitally or in print, and 2) digital spatial data of environmental parameters described in later sections of this document.
Usage in Modeling
Species ranges were used as model delimiters in predicted distribution models.
Land Cover
Ecological systems and land use mapped for the SE-GAP project are the primary input to species models. The development of these data is described in detail in subsequent documents. However, derivatives of these data were developed separately to further refine species models.
Primary and secondary (auxiliary) map units, and patch size (contiguous and non-contiguous patches) are parameters utilized as a model proceeds. That is, they are not stand-alone, independently created data layers. As such, they would not be considered "ancillary" data.
Usage in Modeling
Primary & Secondary Map Units
Primary map units are those land cover types critical for nesting, rearing young, and/or optimal foraging.
Secondary or auxiliary map units are those land cover types generally not critical for breeding, but are typically used in conjunction with primary map units for foraging, roosting, and/or sub-optimal nesting locations. These map units are selected only when located within a specified distance from primary map units.
Patch Size
The type and size of clusters of habitat can be assessed with spatial modeling. As a final step to the distribution modeling process, we used these parameters for species shown to require minimum amounts of habitat. This includes not only directly adjacent habitats, but those that are contextually adjacent. Both these parameters are utilized as the final step in a predicted distribution and therefore incorporate all other modeling inputs.
Contiguous Patch
Minimum Size (ha) - This parameter is set using the most conservative values explicitly stated in the literature. It applies only to the Southeastern portion of a species' range.
FROM Buffer - 0, 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, 1000 meters.
TO Buffer - 0, 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, 1000 meters.
Non-Contiguous Patch
The non-contiguous patch parameter is used to imply landscape context, i.e utilized habitats within a matrix of other habitats. It is measured as a percentage within a given area.
Forest & Edge Habitats
The edge or ecotone between forested and non-forested environments can be a critical aspect of the habitat landscape. We grouped map units into forested, non-forested, and shrubland/woodland land cover types to create unique data layers. These data layers can then be buffered at specified distances to identify species' habitats.
All map units categorized as forest, non-forest, and shrubland/woodland were aggregated into separate data layers. Aggregated map units can be compared and contrasted to identify areas of transition between these broad categories. They can also be used to identify "core" areas or contiguous blocks of similar type (i.e. interior) through buffering procedures.
Forested map units were defined as those ecological systems and land uses that correspond to the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) forest/woodland classes (Homer et al. 2004) (Appendix A). These included NLCD classes "deciduous forest", "evergreen forest", "mixed forest", "palustrine forested wetland", and "estuarine forested wetland" (class values 41, 42, 43, 91 and 93 respectively). Non-forested map units were defined as those ecological systems and land uses not categorized as forest using the criteria stated above. Woodland/shrubland map units were defined as those ecological systems and land uses containing a majority of short, scrubby, woody vegetation or sparsely canopied treed vegetation (Appendix B). Unlike the forested map units, the woodland/shrubland layer was not explicitly derived from NLCD classes but was selected individually based on attributes defined by the systems and land uses.
Once these data layers were created, buffering procedures created unique datasets containing unique categories of distance: > 4000, 4000, 2000, 1000, 500, 250, 120, 60, and 30 meters into and away from the specified feature.
Usage in Modeling
Forest Interior
This data layer constitutes unique aggregations of forest and non-forest map units. Non-forest map units include water, pasture/hay, agricultural areas, urban/developed, marshes, beaches, etc...
Utilizes Forest Interior - For species that require interior forest. Buffer distances must be identified to utilize this input.
Avoids Forest Interior - For species that avoid interior forest. Buffer distances must be identified to utilize this input.
FROM Buffer - 0, 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 9999 (> 4000 m)
INTO Buffer - 0, 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 9999 (> 4000 m)
Edge/Ecotone Type & Width
Forest/Open Ecotone Only - This data layer represents the transitional areas between forest and open, non-forested habitats. Open, non-forested habitats include water, pasture/hay, prairies, agricultural areas, urban/developed, marshes, beaches, etc...
Forest/Open Ecotone + Woodlands/Shrublands - The forest/open only ecotone does not consider environments with sparse canopies or scrubby vegetation. In order to account for these additionally complex ecotones, this data layer includes woodland and shrubland map units that would otherwise be ignored.
Ecotone Width - This distance represents a swath of symmetrically buffered edge. The parameter is measured in increments of 0, 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, and 1000 meters. For example, an ecotone width of 500 meters includes 250 meters into forest and 250 meters into open).
Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs)
The HUC is part of a hierarchical classification system for surface water drainage in the US (Seaber et al. 1987). The numerical code represents a "cataloging unit" of delineation approximately larger than 1800 square kilometers. Within the SE-GAP project boundary there are 577 8-digit HUCs. Vector format (i.e. polygon) data were compiled from United States Geological Survey (USGS) sources. No ancillary data was produced directly from HUCs, but they were utilized in numerous other ancillary data layer processes. Most notably, HUCs allow for partitioned processing when scripting complex spatial analysis tasks.
Usage in Modeling
HUCs were not used directly in species modeling. However, some species' geographic ranges were developed using the 8-digit hydrologic unit code polygons. This was only appropriate for species whose ranges would conceivably be limited to certain watershed drainages and their associated topographic distinctions. In most cases, these species were partially or entirely aquatic during some part of their life history (e.g. salamanders, turtles).
Ecoregions developed by Omernik (1987, 1995) and available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA 2007) were produced through an analysis of biotic and abiotic patterns relating to ecosystem differentiation. Although no ancillary date were created directly from ecoregions, they were utilized in numerous other primary and ancillary data layer processes including land cover/ecological systems, species' ranges, and landforms.
Usage in Modeling
Ecoregions were not used explicitly in predicted distribution models. However, Omernik Level III and Level IV ecoregions were used to help define polygon boundaries for some species' geographic ranges when appropriate. Some species are clearly restricted to the physiographic and geographic patterns and boundaries that ecoregions define. For these species, ecoregions were used as all or a portion of the polygon(s) delineation. If there was a doubt as to the limitations imposed by such boundaries, ecoregions were not used.
State geographic soils database (STATSGO) soil units polygons were developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) at a scale of 1:250,000 for the conterminous U.S. (USDA 1995). Although no ancillary date were created directly from soils, they were utilized in numerous other primary and ancillary data layer processes including land cover/ecological systems, species' ranges, and landforms.
Usage in Modeling
Soils were not used explicitly in predicted distribution models. However, soils were used to help define polygon boundaries for some species' geographic ranges when appropriate. Although ecoregions consider soils as an abiotic factor in their delineation, for certain species it was necessary to focus more narrowly on soil type to help define a range polygon. For species whose habitat requirements are restricted to certain soil types (particularly some reptiles), soil polygons were used to help delineate all or a portion of their range.
Roads data were compiled from the U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER/Line files (USCB 2007). As a preliminary and stand alone layer, road density grids were created so that they could be used for production of imperious surface data layers and, by proxy, land cover/land use map units, as well as in production of an avoidance mask for vertebrate modeling. Part of the procedure to develop road density required the summarization of the attribute code 'CFCC' within the TIGER database (see technical documentation for TIGER/Line files at the URL listed in the Literature Cited section for more information). In general, seven codes were combined into three road category types. A line density algorithm was used to calculate the linear length of roads within a circular neighborhood. The algorithm utilized a kernel smoothing function on a 30 meter cell size within a 564.19 meter radius (1 km2).
Usage in Modeling
Roads were not used explicitly in predicted distribution models. However, the road density data layer derived from roads was used to develop an avoidance mask as an index to human disturbance (see Urban).
Elevation data are often represented in digital elevation models (DEMs). SE-GAP utilized the USGS compiled National Elevation Dataset (NED) as a primary source (USGS 2003). However, because of the varying quality of the data, it was necessary to incorporate other datasets to create an improved, region wide product. These included data from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) at 30 meter resolution (NASA 2007), Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data from the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP 2007), and hypsography data from the USGS's Digital Line Graphs (DLGs) at 1:24,000 and 1:100,000 scales (USGS 2007a). Areas of inconsistent, erroneous, or systematically flawed data were identified visually and "tagged" for fixing. A number of algorithms were then used to reassign elevation values using interpolations based on the higher quality data. This essentially promoted the best available information for a given area using a number of sources, as opposed to re-interpolating data from the same flawed source.
Usage in Modeling
Some species respond to environments directly related to altitudinal variation. Elevation is easily implemented in spatial modeling by limiting the model to the minimum and maximum values explicitly stated in the literature. DEMs are utilized directly and are measured in meters above mean sea level.
Land Forms
Landforms are derived from DEMs, ecoregions and hydrography using a complex model of slope, aspect, location, elevation, flow direction and accumulation, and a variety of other interpolated data. These are meant to incorporate a mixture of environmental inputs important for species.
The general steps involved in creating landforms are as follows:
Extract data inputs for a given region to process (mapping zones for example).
Subdivide into smaller processing units (HUCs for example) that can be overlapped during iteration loops to facilitate merging during production of the final output.
Calculate Topographic Relative Moisture Index (TRMI) based on a DEM and hydrography. TRMI is an estimate of potential moisture at a specific location created by combining relative slope position, aspect, slope and curvature from the DEM, and defining valley bottoms that correspond to high resolution hydrography data.
Process the moisture index grid to reclassify it into binary categories of moist and dry; smoothing the output with a majority filter to remove single cells and linear artifacts.
Calculate land position based on the inverse distance weighted elevation of each cell in relation to its neighbors.
Calculate the landform for each processing unit by combining the moisture, land position, slope and aspect.
Create the final landform for the region by combining landforms of overlapping processing units into a single output.
Usage in Modeling
Species distributions are restricted to the selected landforms. Landforms include: Cliffs, Steep Slopes, Slope Crests, Side Slopes, Upper Slopes, Flat Summits, Coves, Slope Bottoms, Moist Flats, Dry Flats, and Wet Flats.
Water and its location on the landscape is a very important aspect of species' habitats. SE-GAP used a number of water related data layers to refine species models. These include water type (i.e. flowing or open/standing), distance to and from water, and stream flow and underlying gradient.
The source for hydrographic data was the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)(USGS 2007b). The NHD is composed of the most up-to-date nationwide data of surface waters compiled at two scales: 1:24,000 and 1:100,000. SE-GAP began acquiring NHD data in 2003. At the time, NHD was available only in ArcInfo coverage format organized by 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC). NHD 8-digit HUCs are a complex mixture of polygon and arc (and point) features with numerous related tables of attributes. These coverage data are vector data types, i.e. arcs, polygons, nodes etc. with their incumbent data tables.
Water Type
We divided hydrographic features from NHD into three types: flowing water, standing water, and wet vegetation. These feature types were extracted from the NHD by selecting corresponding codes (the FCODE attribute) in data tables and creating separate datasets for each data type. To facilitate their use in spatial modeling, these feature types were converted to grids and combined into 16 categories where feature types overlapped.
Flowing Water - Flowing water represents hydrographic features such as streams, rivers, springs, etc... NHD was developed as a value added product to allow users to performing tasks such as routing, classification, segmentation, etc... Therefore, arcs which flow into waterbodies such as reservoirs need to be continuous from their origin to their terminus. These "connectors" or "artificial paths" were also extracted from the data to represent flowing water. Flowing water can be arc or polygon feature classes. This is particularly true for large rivers that are wide enough to be digitized as long, narrow polygons.
Standing Water - Standing water represents hydrographic features such as lakes, ponds, reservoirs, bays, inlets, etc... Standing water can be arc or polygon feature classes. Some canals and ditches are represented as arcs. However, most standing water features are polygons.
Wet Vegetation - Wet vegetation represents hydrographic features such as swamps, marshes, Carolina bays, etc... It is represented only as the polygon feature class.
Distance INTO and FROM Water Features
We used 18 categories of distance from the water features flowing water, standing water and wet vegetation. A process was used to buffer hydrography at various distances and code grid cells based on a defined set of distances. Eighteen categories for buffer grids. Each water type has a region wide grid coded for buffer distance from that type of hydrography.
Exterior Buffers (from feature)
Cell Value Buffer Distance from Hydrographic Feature (meters)
0 > 4000m
1 +2000m to +4000m
2 +1000m to +2000m
3 +500m to +1000m
4 +250m to +500m
5 +120m to +250m
6 +60m to +120m
7 +30m to +60m
8 0m to +30m
Interior Buffers (into feature)
Cell Value Buffer Distance from Hydrographic Feature (meters)
9 0m to -30m
10 -30m to -60m
11 -60m to -120m
12 -120m to -250m
13 -250m to -500m
14 -500m to -1000m
15 -1000m to -2000m
16 -2000m to -4000m
17 > 4000m
Velocity (Stream Gradient)
Stream velocity (or more appropriately stream gradient) was derived from a combination of streams and slopes calculated from a digital elevation model (DEM). A process was developed that determined the cell-to-cell drop in elevation along a stream grid based on flow direction. The process created three categories of slope calculations for use as a surrogate for stream gradient/velocity. A double pass focal majority function was used to "smooth" the output.
Usage in Modeling
Water Type
Flowing Water - This includes streams, rivers, springs, seeps, ditches with moving water etc...
Open/Standing Water - This includes bays, estuaries, ocean, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, ditches with stagnant water etc...
Wet Vegetation - This includes a collection of map units representing seasonally or tidally inundated woody and non-woody plants.
Distance INTO and FROM Water Features
Interior (INTO) and Exterior (FROM) buffers on water features measured in meters and represented as discrete, cumulative distances. For example, a 250 meter exterior buffer on flowing water includes all areas up to 250 meters from the flowing water feature.
FROM Buffer - 0, 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 9999 (> 4000 m)
INTO Buffer - 0, 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 9999 (> 4000 m)
Velocity (Stream Gradient)
For some aquatic species, this can represent an important aspect of their habitat such as oxygenation levels, presence of invertebrate prey, and amount of sediment within the water column and on streambed substrates.
Slow Only - For species that require slow moving or almost stagnant sections of streams or rivers. Typically these are areas where the underlying topography is flat (0 % gradient).
Fast Only - For species that require high velocity sections of streams or rivers. Typically these are areas where the underlying topography is steep. A threshold of > 5 % gradient was used.
All Types - Species can utilize either fast or slow sections of streams or rivers.
Water salinity is a major factor when considering habitat conditions for many species. However, the dynamic and complex nature of water systems makes the development of a highly refined and reliable datalayer impractical, if not impossible. Therefore, we developed three general categories to include in species habitat models.
Zones of water salinity were hand digitized using NLCD map units as a guide. All palustrine and upland map units were identified, as were all estuarine map units. A line was digitized between non-estuarine and estuarine map units and served as the boundary between fresh and brackish water. An additional line was digitized across all ocean inlets, essentially the shortest distance between two bodies of land. This second line served as the boundary between brackish and salt water.
Usage in Modeling
Freshwater Only - For species requiring water, this includes only fresh water.
Brackish/Salt Water Only - For species requiring water, this includes only brackish/salt water.
All Water - For species requiring water, this includes both brackish/salt water as well as freshwater.
Urban Environments
Environments dominated by human disturbance such as roads, cities, and the constructed materials that support human habitation have profound effects on species' distributions. Map units derived for SE-GAP include three categories of development intensity - high, medium and low. These classes rely on spectral signatures from satellite data in association with measurements of impervious surface. SE-GAP created an urban/avoidance data layer using a combination of road density (see Roads section above) and the three map units of development intensity. In effect, the derived data layer acts as an index for a species' intolerance to human environments.
Usage in Modeling
For most species, this data layer was used to "mask out" or exclude species from a portion of the landscape. However, some species respond favorably to human habitats. In this later case, the data layer was used in an inclusionary manner.
Level of Tolerance/Intolerance
This parameter is ranked at three levels: high, medium, and low. No selection of this parameter indicates the species' model is not contingent on an index of human disturbance.
High Exclusionary - For species that are very intolerant of human disturbance. All portions of the landscape identified as being directly influenced by human disturbance are eliminated from the predicted distribution.
High Inclusionary - For species that are associated with high levels of human disturbance. The predicted distribution is limited to all portions of the landscape identified as being directly influenced by human disturbance.
Medium Exclusionary - For species that are moderately intolerant of human disturbance. Only portions of the landscape identified as being highly or moderately influenced by human disturbance are eliminated from the predicted distribution.
Medium Inclusionary - For species that are associated with moderate levels of human disturbance. The predicted distribution is limited to only portions of the landscape identified as being moderately or partially influenced by human disturbance.
Low Exclusionary - For species that are partially intolerant of human disturbance. Only portions of the landscape identified as being highly influenced by human disturbance are eliminated from the predicted distribution.
Low Inclusionary - For species that are associated with partial levels of human disturbance. The predicted distribution is limited to only portions of the landscape identified as being partially influenced by human disturbance.
Literature Cited
Austin, M.P. 1991. Vegetation: data collection and analysis. Pages 37-41 in C.R. Margules and M.P. Austin, eds. Nature conservation: cost effective biological surveys and data analysis. Australia CSIRO, East Melbourne.
Homer, C. C. Huang, L. Yang, B. Wylie and M. Coan. 2004. Development of a 2001 National Landcover Database for the United States. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 70, No. 7, July 2004, pp. 829-840.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 2007. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Califorinia Institute of Technology. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Available online, URL: <>.
North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program. 2007. North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Information System. Available online, URL: <>.
Omernik, J.M. 1987. Ecoregions of the conterminous United States. Map (scale 1:7,500,000). Annals of the Association of American Geographers 77(1):118-125.
Omernik, J.M. 1995. Ecoregions: A spatial framework for environmental management. In: Biological Assessment and Criteria: Tools for Water Resource Planning and Decision Making. Davis, W.S. and T.P. Simon (eds.) Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 49-62.
Scott, M., F. Davis, B. Csuti, R. Noss, B. Butterfield, C. Groves, H. Anderson, S. Caicco, F. D'Erchia, T.C. Edwards Jr., J. Ulliman and R.G. Wright. 1993. Gap Analysis: A geographic approach to protection of biological diversity. Wildlife Monographs, no. 123. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 57(1) 41pp.
Seaber, P.R., Kapinos, F.P., and Knapp, G.L., 1987, Hydrologic Unit Maps: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2294, 63 p.
U.S. Census Bureau. 2007. Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system. Available online, URL: <>. Documentation available online, URL: <>.
U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1995. State soil geographic (STATSGO) data base, data use information. NRCS National Soil Survey Center Miscellaneous Publication # 1492. Available on, URL: <>.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2007. Western Ecology Division, Corvallis, OR. Ecoregion Maps and GIS Resources. Available online, URL: <>.
U.S. Geological Survey. 2003. National Mapping Division EROS Data Center. National Elevation Dataset. Available online, URL: <>.
U.S. Geological Survey. 2007a. National Mapping Division EROS Data Center. Digital Line Graphs. Available online, URL: <>.
U.S. Geological Survey. 2007b. National Hydrography Dataset. Available online, URL: <>.
- Time_Period_of_Content:
- Currentness_Reference: ground condition
- Time_Period_Information:
- Single_Date/Time:
- Calendar_Date: 2001
- Status:
- Progress: Complete
- Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
- Spatial_Domain:
- Bounding_Coordinates:
- West_Bounding_Coordinate: -91.968789
- East_Bounding_Coordinate: -74.436112
- North_Bounding_Coordinate: 40.615542
- South_Bounding_Coordinate: 23.806684
- Keywords:
- Place:
- Place_Keyword: Southeast US
- Place_Keyword: Alabama
- Place_Keyword: Florida
- Place_Keyword: Georgia
- Place_Keyword: Kentucky
- Place_Keyword: Mississippi
- Place_Keyword: North Carolina
- Place_Keyword: South Carolina
- Place_Keyword: Tennessee
- Place_Keyword: Virginia
- Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
- Theme:
- Theme_Keyword: Predicted Habitat
- Theme_Keyword: Predicted Distribution
- Theme_Keyword: Habitat Modeling
- Theme_Keyword: Atlantic coast slimy salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Apalachicola Dusky Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: American Toad
- Theme_Keyword: Barking Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Brimley's Chorus Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Bird-voiced Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Blackbelly Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Black Mountain Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Blue Ridge Dusky Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Blue Ridge Gray-cheeked Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Blue Ridge Two-lined Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Bullfrog
- Theme_Keyword: Black Warrior Waterdog
- Theme_Keyword: Carpenter Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Cave Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Cheoah Bald Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Chamberlain's Dwarf Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Cope's Gray Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Chattahoochee slimy salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Carolina Mountain Dusky Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Cumberland Plateau Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Crawfish Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Cuban Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Dwarf Black-bellied Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Dusky Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Dwarf Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Dwarf Waterdog
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Newt
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Spadefoot
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Narrowmouth Toad
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Bog Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Flatwoods Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Four-toed Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Fowler's Toad
- Theme_Keyword: Gray Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Georgia Blind Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Gulf Coast Toad
- Theme_Keyword: Gulf Coast Waterdog
- Theme_Keyword: Greenhouse Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Giant Toad
- Theme_Keyword: Gopher Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Green Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Green Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Greater Siren
- Theme_Keyword: Green Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Hellbender
- Theme_Keyword: Imitator Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Jefferson Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Junaluska Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Lesser Siren
- Theme_Keyword: Little Grass Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Longtail Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Mabee's Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Marbled Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Mountain Chorus Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Mississippi Gopher Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Many-lined Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Mole Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Mississippi slimy salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Mudpuppy
- Theme_Keyword: Mud Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Cricket Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Dwarf Siren
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Gray-cheeked Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Leopard Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Neuse River Waterdog
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Two-lined Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Zigzag Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Oak Toad
- Theme_Keyword: Ornate Chorus Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Ocoee Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Ocmulgee slimy salamander
- Theme_Keyword: One-toed Amphiuma
- Theme_Keyword: Pine Barrens Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Pig Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Pickerel Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Pigeon Mountain Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Peaks of Otter Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Pine Woods Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Pygmy Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Ravine Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Red-cheeked Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Red Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Redback Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Red Hills Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: River Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Red-legged Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Shenandoah Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Cricket Frog
- Theme_Keyword: South Carolina slimy salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Dusky Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Seal Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Seepage Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Southeastern slimy salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Gray-cheeked Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Shovelnose Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Leopard Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Slimy Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: South Mountain Gray-cheeked Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Smallmouth Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Santeetlah Dusky Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Toad
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Redback Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Spring Peeper
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Appalachian Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Spotted Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Squirrel Treefrog
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Chorus Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Spring Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Striped Newt
- Theme_Keyword: Streamside Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Savannah slimy salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Two-lined Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Zigzag Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Tennessee Cave Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Tellico Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Three-toed Amphiuma
- Theme_Keyword: Three-lined Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Tiger Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Two-toed Amphiuma
- Theme_Keyword: Valley and Ridge Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Western Chorus Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Webster's Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Wehrle's Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: White-spotted Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Weller's Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Wood Frog
- Theme_Keyword: Woodhouse's Toad
- Theme_Keyword: White-spotted slimy salamander
- Theme_Keyword: Yonahlossee Salamander
- Theme_Keyword: American Black Duck
- Theme_Keyword: Acadian Flycatcher
- Theme_Keyword: Alder Flycatcher
- Theme_Keyword: American Bittern
- Theme_Keyword: American Coot
- Theme_Keyword: American Crow
- Theme_Keyword: American Goldfinch
- Theme_Keyword: American Kestrel
- Theme_Keyword: American Oystercatcher
- Theme_Keyword: American Redstart
- Theme_Keyword: American Robin
- Theme_Keyword: American Wigeon
- Theme_Keyword: American Woodcock
- Theme_Keyword: Anhinga
- Theme_Keyword: Antillean Nighthawk
- Theme_Keyword: Bachman's Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Barred Owl
- Theme_Keyword: Bald Eagle
- Theme_Keyword: Barn Owl
- Theme_Keyword: Bank Swallow
- Theme_Keyword: Baltimore Oriole
- Theme_Keyword: Barn Swallow
- Theme_Keyword: Black-and-white Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Black-billed Cuckoo
- Theme_Keyword: Black-capped Chickadee
- Theme_Keyword: Black-crowned Night-Heron
- Theme_Keyword: Belted Kingfisher
- Theme_Keyword: Bell's Vireo
- Theme_Keyword: Bewick's Wren
- Theme_Keyword: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
- Theme_Keyword: Brown-headed Cowbird
- Theme_Keyword: Brown-headed Nuthatch
- Theme_Keyword: Blue-headed Vireo
- Theme_Keyword: Blackburnian Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Blue Grosbeak
- Theme_Keyword: Blue Jay
- Theme_Keyword: Black Rail
- Theme_Keyword: Black Skimmer
- Theme_Keyword: Black Vulture
- Theme_Keyword: Black-necked Stilt
- Theme_Keyword: Bobolink
- Theme_Keyword: Brant
- Theme_Keyword: Brown Creeper
- Theme_Keyword: Brown Noddy
- Theme_Keyword: Brown Pelican
- Theme_Keyword: Bridled Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Brown Thrasher
- Theme_Keyword: Black-throated Blue Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Boat-tailed Grackle
- Theme_Keyword: Black-throated Green Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Bufflehead
- Theme_Keyword: Burrowing Owl
- Theme_Keyword: Broad-winged Hawk
- Theme_Keyword: Blue-winged Teal
- Theme_Keyword: Black-whiskered Vireo
- Theme_Keyword: Blue-winged Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Carolina Chickadee
- Theme_Keyword: Cattle Egret
- Theme_Keyword: Canada Goose
- Theme_Keyword: Canvasback
- Theme_Keyword: Carolina Wren
- Theme_Keyword: Caspian Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Canada Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Cedar Waxwing
- Theme_Keyword: Cerulean Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Chipping Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Chimney Swift
- Theme_Keyword: Clapper Rail
- Theme_Keyword: Cliff Swallow
- Theme_Keyword: Common Ground-Dove
- Theme_Keyword: Common Goldeneye
- Theme_Keyword: Common Grackle
- Theme_Keyword: Cooper's Hawk
- Theme_Keyword: Common Merganser
- Theme_Keyword: Common Moorhen
- Theme_Keyword: Common Nighthawk
- Theme_Keyword: Common Raven
- Theme_Keyword: Common Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Common Yellowthroat
- Theme_Keyword: Chestnut-sided Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Chuck-will's-widow
- Theme_Keyword: Double-crested Cormorant
- Theme_Keyword: Dark-eyed Junco
- Theme_Keyword: Dickcissel
- Theme_Keyword: Downy Woodpecker
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Bluebird
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Kingbird
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Meadowlark
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Phoebe
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Screech-Owl
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Towhee
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Wood-Pewee
- Theme_Keyword: Eurasian Collared-Dove
- Theme_Keyword: European Starling
- Theme_Keyword: Fish Crow
- Theme_Keyword: Field Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Scrub-jay
- Theme_Keyword: Forster's Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Fulvous Whistling-Duck
- Theme_Keyword: Gadwall
- Theme_Keyword: Great Black-backed Gull
- Theme_Keyword: Great Blue Heron
- Theme_Keyword: Gull-billed Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Great Crested Flycatcher
- Theme_Keyword: Golden-crowned Kinglet
- Theme_Keyword: Greater Flamingo
- Theme_Keyword: Great Horned Owl
- Theme_Keyword: Glossy Ibis
- Theme_Keyword: Gray Kingbird
- Theme_Keyword: Gray Catbird
- Theme_Keyword: Great Egret
- Theme_Keyword: Green Heron
- Theme_Keyword: Greater Scaup
- Theme_Keyword: Grasshopper Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Green-winged Teal
- Theme_Keyword: Golden-winged Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Hairy Woodpecker
- Theme_Keyword: Herring Gull
- Theme_Keyword: Henslow's Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: House Finch
- Theme_Keyword: Horned Lark
- Theme_Keyword: Hooded Merganser
- Theme_Keyword: House Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Hooded Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: House Wren
- Theme_Keyword: Indigo Bunting
- Theme_Keyword: Kentucky Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Killdeer
- Theme_Keyword: King Rail
- Theme_Keyword: Laughing Gull
- Theme_Keyword: Lark Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Little Blue Heron
- Theme_Keyword: Least Bittern
- Theme_Keyword: Least Flycatcher
- Theme_Keyword: Long-eared Owl
- Theme_Keyword: Lesser Scaup
- Theme_Keyword: Least Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Limpkin
- Theme_Keyword: Loggerhead Shrike
- Theme_Keyword: Louisiana Waterthrush
- Theme_Keyword: Long-tailed Duck
- Theme_Keyword: Mangrove Cuckoo
- Theme_Keyword: Magnificent Frigatebird
- Theme_Keyword: Mallard
- Theme_Keyword: Magnolia Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Marsh Wren
- Theme_Keyword: Mississippi Kite
- Theme_Keyword: Mourning Dove
- Theme_Keyword: Mottled Duck
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Bobwhite
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Cardinal
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Flicker
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Harrier
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Mockingbird
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Parula
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Pintail
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Shoveler
- Theme_Keyword: Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Saw-whet Owl
- Theme_Keyword: Orchard Oriole
- Theme_Keyword: Olive-sided Flycatcher
- Theme_Keyword: Osprey
- Theme_Keyword: Ovenbird
- Theme_Keyword: Painted Bunting
- Theme_Keyword: Pied-billed Grebe
- Theme_Keyword: Peregrine Falcon
- Theme_Keyword: Piping Plover
- Theme_Keyword: Pine Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Pileated Woodpecker
- Theme_Keyword: Prairie Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Prothonotary Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Purple Finch
- Theme_Keyword: Purple Gallinule
- Theme_Keyword: Purple Martin
- Theme_Keyword: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Theme_Keyword: Red-breasted Merganser
- Theme_Keyword: Red-breasted Nuthatch
- Theme_Keyword: Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Theme_Keyword: Red-cockaded Woodpecker
- Theme_Keyword: Red Crossbill
- Theme_Keyword: Redhead
- Theme_Keyword: Reddish Egret
- Theme_Keyword: Red-eyed Vireo
- Theme_Keyword: Red-headed Woodpecker
- Theme_Keyword: Ring-necked Duck
- Theme_Keyword: Ring-necked Pheasant
- Theme_Keyword: Rock Pigeon
- Theme_Keyword: Roseate Spoonbill
- Theme_Keyword: Roseate Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Royal Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Red-shouldered Hawk
- Theme_Keyword: Red-tailed Hawk
- Theme_Keyword: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- Theme_Keyword: Ruddy Duck
- Theme_Keyword: Ruffed Grouse
- Theme_Keyword: Red-winged Blackbird
- Theme_Keyword: Sandhill Crane
- Theme_Keyword: Sandwich Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Savannah Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Scarlet Tanager
- Theme_Keyword: Seaside Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Sedge Wren
- Theme_Keyword: Shiny Cowbird
- Theme_Keyword: Snowy Egret
- Theme_Keyword: Snow Goose
- Theme_Keyword: Snail Kite
- Theme_Keyword: Snowy Plover
- Theme_Keyword: Sora
- Theme_Keyword: Song Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Sooty Tern
- Theme_Keyword: Spotted Sandpiper
- Theme_Keyword: Sharp-shinned Hawk
- Theme_Keyword: Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Short-tailed Hawk
- Theme_Keyword: Swallow-tailed Kite
- Theme_Keyword: Summer Tanager
- Theme_Keyword: Swainson's Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Tree Swallow
- Theme_Keyword: Tricolored Heron
- Theme_Keyword: Tundra Swan
- Theme_Keyword: Tufted Titmouse
- Theme_Keyword: Turkey Vulture
- Theme_Keyword: Upland Sandpiper
- Theme_Keyword: Veery
- Theme_Keyword: Vesper Sparrow
- Theme_Keyword: Virginia Rail
- Theme_Keyword: Warbling Vireo
- Theme_Keyword: White-breasted Nuthatch
- Theme_Keyword: White-crowned Pigeon
- Theme_Keyword: White-eyed Vireo
- Theme_Keyword: Worm-eating Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: White Ibis
- Theme_Keyword: Whimbrel
- Theme_Keyword: Willow Flycatcher
- Theme_Keyword: Willet
- Theme_Keyword: Wilson's Plover
- Theme_Keyword: Wild Turkey
- Theme_Keyword: Winter Wren
- Theme_Keyword: Wood Duck
- Theme_Keyword: Wood Stork
- Theme_Keyword: Wood Thrush
- Theme_Keyword: Whip-poor-will
- Theme_Keyword: White-tailed Kite
- Theme_Keyword: White-winged Dove
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow-breasted Chat
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow-throated Vireo
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow-throated Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow Warbler
- Theme_Keyword: American Black Bear
- Theme_Keyword: Allegheny Woodrat
- Theme_Keyword: American Beaver
- Theme_Keyword: American Mink
- Theme_Keyword: Appalachian Cottontail
- Theme_Keyword: Big Brown Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Brazilian Free-tailed Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Black Rat
- Theme_Keyword: Bobcat
- Theme_Keyword: Cinereus Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Cotton Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Coyote
- Theme_Keyword: Deer Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Chipmunk
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Cottontail
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Mole
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Pipistrelle
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Woodrat
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Fox Squirrel
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Gray Squirrel
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Harvest Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Elk
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Red Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Small-footed Myotis
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Spotted Skunk
- Theme_Keyword: Evening Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Feral Hog
- Theme_Keyword: Feral Horse
- Theme_Keyword: Fulvous Harvest Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Fisher
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Golden Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Gray Fox
- Theme_Keyword: Gray Myotis
- Theme_Keyword: Hairy-tailed Mole
- Theme_Keyword: Hispid Cotton Rat
- Theme_Keyword: Hoary Bat
- Theme_Keyword: House Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Indiana Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Little Brown Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Least Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Least Weasel
- Theme_Keyword: Long-tailed Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Long-tailed Weasel
- Theme_Keyword: Marsh Rabbit
- Theme_Keyword: Meadow Vole
- Theme_Keyword: Mexican Gray Squirrel
- Theme_Keyword: Meadow Jumping Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Marsh Rice Rat
- Theme_Keyword: Muskrat
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Flying Squirrel
- Theme_Keyword: Nine-banded Armadillo
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Myotis
- Theme_Keyword: Norway Rat
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Raccoon
- Theme_Keyword: Northern River Otter
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Short-tailed Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Nutria
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Yellow Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Oldfield Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Prairie Vole
- Theme_Keyword: Puma
- Theme_Keyword: Pygmy Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Rafinesque's Big-eared Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Red Fox
- Theme_Keyword: Red Squirrel
- Theme_Keyword: Red Wolf
- Theme_Keyword: Round-tailed Muskrat
- Theme_Keyword: Rock Vole
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Bog Lemming
- Theme_Keyword: Seminole Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Flying Squirrel
- Theme_Keyword: Silver-haired Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Sika Deer
- Theme_Keyword: Smoky Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Snowshoe Hare
- Theme_Keyword: Southeastern Myotis
- Theme_Keyword: Southeastern Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Southeastern Pocket Gopher
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Red-backed Vole
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Short-tailed Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Star-nosed Mole
- Theme_Keyword: Striped Skunk
- Theme_Keyword: Swamp Rabbit
- Theme_Keyword: Townsend's Big-eared Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Velvety Free-tailed Bat
- Theme_Keyword: Virginia Opossum
- Theme_Keyword: Water Shrew
- Theme_Keyword: Wagner's Bonneted Bat
- Theme_Keyword: White-tailed Deer
- Theme_Keyword: White-footed Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Woodland Jumping Mouse
- Theme_Keyword: Woodchuck
- Theme_Keyword: Woodland Vole
- Theme_Keyword: American Alligator
- Theme_Keyword: American Crocodile
- Theme_Keyword: Alabama Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Alabama Redbelly Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Alligator Snapping Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Black-knobbed Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Black Kingsnake
- Theme_Keyword: Black Pine Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Barbour's Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Bog Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Brown Anole
- Theme_Keyword: Broadhead Skink
- Theme_Keyword: Brown Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Black Swamp Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Brown Water Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Common Garter Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Cosmopolitan House Gecko
- Theme_Keyword: Chicken Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Common Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Common Musk Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Coachwhip
- Theme_Keyword: Cooter
- Theme_Keyword: Copperhead
- Theme_Keyword: Coal Skink
- Theme_Keyword: Corn Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Cottonmouth
- Theme_Keyword: Diamondback Terrapin
- Theme_Keyword: Diamondback Water Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Kingsnake
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Mud Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Box Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Coral Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Glass Lizard
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Hognose Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Ribbon Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Milk Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Escambia Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Spiny Softshell
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Rat Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Box Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Crowned Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Fence/prairie/plateau Lizard
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Green Water Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Five-lined Skink
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Pine Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Softshell
- Theme_Keyword: Flattened Musk Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: False Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Red-bellied Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Scrub Lizard
- Theme_Keyword: Florida Worm Lizard
- Theme_Keyword: Gulf Coast Box Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Graham's Crayfish Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Gulf Coast Smooth Softshell
- Theme_Keyword: Gopher Tortoise
- Theme_Keyword: Gulf Coast Spiny Softshell
- Theme_Keyword: Green Anole
- Theme_Keyword: Ground Skink
- Theme_Keyword: Glossy Crayfish Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Green Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Green Water Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Island Glass Lizard
- Theme_Keyword: Eastern Indigo Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Kirtland's Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Leatherback
- Theme_Keyword: Loggerhead Musk Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Loggerhead
- Theme_Keyword: Mediterranean Gecko
- Theme_Keyword: Mimic Glass Lizard
- Theme_Keyword: Midland Smooth Softshell
- Theme_Keyword: Mole Kingsnake
- Theme_Keyword: Mole Skink
- Theme_Keyword: Mud Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Pine Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Painted Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Northern Water Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Ouachita Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Pine Woods Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Pascagoula Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Prairie Kingsnake
- Theme_Keyword: Plainbelly Water Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Pygmy Rattlesnake
- Theme_Keyword: Queen Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Racer
- Theme_Keyword: Rainbow Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Redbelly Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Reef Gecko
- Theme_Keyword: Rough Earth Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Redbelly Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Rough Green Snake
- Theme_Keyword: River Cooter
- Theme_Keyword: Ringneck Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Red Milk Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Ringed Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Rim Rock Crowned Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Razorback Musk Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Sand Skink
- Theme_Keyword: Scarlet Kingsnake
- Theme_Keyword: Striped Crayfish Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Southeastern Crowned Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Smooth Earth Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Southeastern Five-lined Skink
- Theme_Keyword: Slender Glass Lizard
- Theme_Keyword: Smooth Green Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Hognose Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Six-lined Racerunner
- Theme_Keyword: Slider
- Theme_Keyword: Salt Marsh Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Striped Mud Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Snapping Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Speckled Kingsnake
- Theme_Keyword: Spotted Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Scarlet Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Short-tailed Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Southern Water Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Three-toed Box Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Texas Horned Lizard
- Theme_Keyword: Timber Rattlesnake
- Theme_Keyword: Worm Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Wood Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Western Ribbon Snake
- Theme_Keyword: Yellow-blotched Map Turtle
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon chlorobryonis
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus apalachicolae
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus ochrophaeus
- Theme_Keyword: Bufo americanus
- Theme_Keyword: Hyla gratiosa
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris brimleyi
- Theme_Keyword: Hyla avivoca
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus quadramaculatus
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus welteri
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus orestes
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon amplus
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea wilderae
- Theme_Keyword: Rana catesbeiana
- Theme_Keyword: Necturus alabamensis
- Theme_Keyword: Rana virgatipes
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea lucifuga
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon cheoah
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea chamberlaini
- Theme_Keyword: Hyla chrysoscelis
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon chattahoochee
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon kentucki
- Theme_Keyword: Rana areolata
- Theme_Keyword: Osteopilus septentrionalis
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus folkertsi
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus fuscus
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea quadridigitata
- Theme_Keyword: Necturus punctatus
- Theme_Keyword: Notophthalmus viridescens
- Theme_Keyword: Scaphiopus holbrookii
- Theme_Keyword: Gastrophryne carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Rana okaloosae
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma cingulatum
- Theme_Keyword: Hemidactylium scutatum
- Theme_Keyword: Bufo fowleri
- Theme_Keyword: Hyla versicolor
- Theme_Keyword: Haideotriton wallacei
- Theme_Keyword: Bufo valliceps
- Theme_Keyword: Necturus beyeri complex
- Theme_Keyword: Eleutherodactylus planirostris
- Theme_Keyword: Bufo marinus
- Theme_Keyword: Rana capito
- Theme_Keyword: Rana clamitans
- Theme_Keyword: Aneides aeneus
- Theme_Keyword: Siren lacertina
- Theme_Keyword: Hyla cinerea
- Theme_Keyword: Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus imitator
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma jeffersonianum
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea junaluska
- Theme_Keyword: Siren intermedia
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris ocularis
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea longicauda
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma mabeei
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma opacum
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris brachyphona
- Theme_Keyword: Rana sevosa
- Theme_Keyword: Stereochilus marginatus
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma talpoideum
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon mississippi
- Theme_Keyword: Necturus maculosus
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudotriton montanus
- Theme_Keyword: Acris crepitans
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudobranchus striatus
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon montanus
- Theme_Keyword: Rana pipiens
- Theme_Keyword: Necturus lewisi
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea bislineata
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon dorsalis
- Theme_Keyword: Bufo quercicus
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris ornata
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus ocoee
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon ocmulgee
- Theme_Keyword: Amphiuma pholeter
- Theme_Keyword: Hyla andersonii
- Theme_Keyword: Rana grylio
- Theme_Keyword: Rana palustris
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon petraeus
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon hubrichti
- Theme_Keyword: Hyla femoralis
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus wrighti
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon richmondi
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon jordani
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudotriton ruber
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon cinereus
- Theme_Keyword: Phaeognathus hubrichti
- Theme_Keyword: Rana heckscheri
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon shermani
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon shenandoah
- Theme_Keyword: Acris gryllus
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon variolatus
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus auriculatus
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus monticola
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus aeneus
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon grobmani
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon metcalfi
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus marmoratus
- Theme_Keyword: Rana sphenocephala
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon glutinosus
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon meridianus
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma texanum
- Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus santeetlah
- Theme_Keyword: Bufo terrestris
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon serratus
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris crucifer
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon teyahalee
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma maculatum
- Theme_Keyword: Hyla squirella
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris nigrita
- Theme_Keyword: Gyrinophilus porphyriticus
- Theme_Keyword: Notophthalmus perstriatus
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma barbouri
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon savannah
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea cirrigera
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon ventralis
- Theme_Keyword: Gyrinophilus palleucus
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon aureolus
- Theme_Keyword: Amphiuma tridactylum
- Theme_Keyword: Eurycea guttolineata
- Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma tigrinum
- Theme_Keyword: Amphiuma means
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon hoffmani
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris triseriata
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon websteri
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon wehrlei
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon punctatus
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon welleri
- Theme_Keyword: Rana sylvatica
- Theme_Keyword: Bufo woodhousii
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon cylindraceus
- Theme_Keyword: Plethodon yonahlossee
- Theme_Keyword: Anas rubripes
- Theme_Keyword: Empidonax virescens
- Theme_Keyword: Empidonax alnorum
- Theme_Keyword: Botaurus lentiginosus
- Theme_Keyword: Fulica americana
- Theme_Keyword: Corvus brachyrhynchos
- Theme_Keyword: Carduelis tristis
- Theme_Keyword: Falco sparverius
- Theme_Keyword: Haematopus palliatus
- Theme_Keyword: Setophaga ruticilla
- Theme_Keyword: Turdus migratorius
- Theme_Keyword: Anas americana
- Theme_Keyword: Scolopax minor
- Theme_Keyword: Anhinga anhinga
- Theme_Keyword: Chordeiles gundlachii
- Theme_Keyword: Aimophila aestivalis
- Theme_Keyword: Strix varia
- Theme_Keyword: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- Theme_Keyword: Tyto alba
- Theme_Keyword: Riparia riparia
- Theme_Keyword: Icterus galbula
- Theme_Keyword: Hirundo rustica
- Theme_Keyword: Mniotilta varia
- Theme_Keyword: Coccyzus erythropthalmus
- Theme_Keyword: Poecile atricapillus
- Theme_Keyword: Nycticorax nycticorax
- Theme_Keyword: Ceryle alcyon
- Theme_Keyword: Vireo bellii
- Theme_Keyword: Thryomanes bewickii
- Theme_Keyword: Polioptila caerulea
- Theme_Keyword: Molothrus ater
- Theme_Keyword: Sitta pusilla
- Theme_Keyword: Vireo solitarius
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica fusca
- Theme_Keyword: Passerina caerulea
- Theme_Keyword: Cyanocitta cristata
- Theme_Keyword: Laterallus jamaicensis
- Theme_Keyword: Rynchops niger
- Theme_Keyword: Coragyps atratus
- Theme_Keyword: Himantopus mexicanus
- Theme_Keyword: Dolichonyx oryzivorus
- Theme_Keyword: Branta bernicla
- Theme_Keyword: Certhia americana
- Theme_Keyword: Anous stolidus
- Theme_Keyword: Pelecanus occidentalis
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna anaethetus
- Theme_Keyword: Toxostoma rufum
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica caerulescens
- Theme_Keyword: Quiscalus major
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica virens
- Theme_Keyword: Bucephala albeola
- Theme_Keyword: Athene cunicularia
- Theme_Keyword: Buteo platypterus
- Theme_Keyword: Anas discors
- Theme_Keyword: Vireo altiloquus
- Theme_Keyword: Vermivora pinus
- Theme_Keyword: Poecile carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Bubulcus ibis
- Theme_Keyword: Branta canadensis
- Theme_Keyword: Aythya valisineria
- Theme_Keyword: Thryothorus ludovicianus
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna caspia
- Theme_Keyword: Wilsonia canadensis
- Theme_Keyword: Bombycilla cedrorum
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica cerulea
- Theme_Keyword: Spizella passerina
- Theme_Keyword: Chaetura pelagica
- Theme_Keyword: Rallus longirostris
- Theme_Keyword: Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
- Theme_Keyword: Columbina passerina
- Theme_Keyword: Bucephala clangula
- Theme_Keyword: Quiscalus quiscula
- Theme_Keyword: Accipiter cooperii
- Theme_Keyword: Mergus merganser
- Theme_Keyword: Gallinula chloropus
- Theme_Keyword: Chordeiles minor
- Theme_Keyword: Corvus corax
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna hirundo
- Theme_Keyword: Geothlypis trichas
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica pensylvanica
- Theme_Keyword: Caprimulgus carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Phalacrocorax auritus
- Theme_Keyword: Junco hyemalis
- Theme_Keyword: Spiza americana
- Theme_Keyword: Picoides pubescens
- Theme_Keyword: Sialia sialis
- Theme_Keyword: Tyrannus tyrannus
- Theme_Keyword: Sturnella magna
- Theme_Keyword: Sayornis phoebe
- Theme_Keyword: Megascops asio
- Theme_Keyword: Pipilo erythrophthalmus
- Theme_Keyword: Contopus virens
- Theme_Keyword: Streptopelia decaocto
- Theme_Keyword: Sturnus vulgaris
- Theme_Keyword: Corvus ossifragus
- Theme_Keyword: Spizella pusilla
- Theme_Keyword: Aphelocoma coerulescens
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna forsteri
- Theme_Keyword: Dendrocygna bicolor
- Theme_Keyword: Anas strepera
- Theme_Keyword: Larus marinus
- Theme_Keyword: Ardea herodias
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna nilotica
- Theme_Keyword: Myiarchus crinitus
- Theme_Keyword: Regulus satrapa
- Theme_Keyword: Phoenicopterus ruber
- Theme_Keyword: Bubo virginianus
- Theme_Keyword: Plegadis falcinellus
- Theme_Keyword: Tyrannus dominicensis
- Theme_Keyword: Dumetella carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Ardea alba
- Theme_Keyword: Butorides virescens
- Theme_Keyword: Aythya marila
- Theme_Keyword: Ammodramus savannarum
- Theme_Keyword: Anas crecca
- Theme_Keyword: Vermivora chrysoptera
- Theme_Keyword: Picoides villosus
- Theme_Keyword: Larus argentatus
- Theme_Keyword: Ammodramus henslowii
- Theme_Keyword: Carpodacus mexicanus
- Theme_Keyword: Eremophila alpestris
- Theme_Keyword: Lophodytes cucullatus
- Theme_Keyword: Passer domesticus
- Theme_Keyword: Wilsonia citrina
- Theme_Keyword: Troglodytes aedon
- Theme_Keyword: Passerina cyanea
- Theme_Keyword: Oporornis formosus
- Theme_Keyword: Charadrius vociferus
- Theme_Keyword: Rallus elegans
- Theme_Keyword: Larus atricilla
- Theme_Keyword: Chondestes grammacus
- Theme_Keyword: Egretta caerulea
- Theme_Keyword: Ixobrychus exilis
- Theme_Keyword: Empidonax minimus
- Theme_Keyword: Asio otus
- Theme_Keyword: Aythya affinis
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna antillarum
- Theme_Keyword: Aramus guarauna
- Theme_Keyword: Lanius ludovicianus
- Theme_Keyword: Seiurus motacilla
- Theme_Keyword: Clangula hyemalis
- Theme_Keyword: Coccyzus minor
- Theme_Keyword: Fregata magnificens
- Theme_Keyword: Anas platyrhynchos
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica magnolia
- Theme_Keyword: Cistothorus palustris
- Theme_Keyword: Ictinia mississippiensis
- Theme_Keyword: Zenaida macroura
- Theme_Keyword: Anas fulvigula
- Theme_Keyword: Colinus virginianus
- Theme_Keyword: Cardinalis cardinalis
- Theme_Keyword: Colaptes auratus
- Theme_Keyword: Circus cyaneus
- Theme_Keyword: Mimus polyglottos
- Theme_Keyword: Parula americana
- Theme_Keyword: Anas acuta
- Theme_Keyword: Stelgidopteryx serripennis
- Theme_Keyword: Anas clypeata
- Theme_Keyword: Ammodramus nelsoni
- Theme_Keyword: Aegolius acadicus
- Theme_Keyword: Icterus spurius
- Theme_Keyword: Contopus cooperi
- Theme_Keyword: Pandion haliaetus
- Theme_Keyword: Seiurus aurocapilla
- Theme_Keyword: Passerina ciris
- Theme_Keyword: Podilymbus podiceps
- Theme_Keyword: Falco peregrinus
- Theme_Keyword: Charadrius melodus
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica pinus
- Theme_Keyword: Dryocopus pileatus
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica discolor
- Theme_Keyword: Protonotaria citrea
- Theme_Keyword: Carpodacus purpureus
- Theme_Keyword: Porphyrio martinica
- Theme_Keyword: Progne subis
- Theme_Keyword: Pheucticus ludovicianus
- Theme_Keyword: Mergus serrator
- Theme_Keyword: Sitta canadensis
- Theme_Keyword: Melanerpes carolinus
- Theme_Keyword: Picoides borealis
- Theme_Keyword: Loxia curvirostra
- Theme_Keyword: Aythya americana
- Theme_Keyword: Egretta rufescens
- Theme_Keyword: Vireo olivaceus
- Theme_Keyword: Melanerpes erythrocephalus
- Theme_Keyword: Aythya collaris
- Theme_Keyword: Phasianus colchicus
- Theme_Keyword: Columba livia
- Theme_Keyword: Platalea ajaja
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna dougallii
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna maxima
- Theme_Keyword: Buteo lineatus
- Theme_Keyword: Buteo jamaicensis
- Theme_Keyword: Archilochus colubris
- Theme_Keyword: Oxyura jamaicensis
- Theme_Keyword: Bonasa umbellus
- Theme_Keyword: Agelaius phoeniceus
- Theme_Keyword: Grus canadensis
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna sandvicensis
- Theme_Keyword: Passerculus sandwichensis
- Theme_Keyword: Piranga olivacea
- Theme_Keyword: Ammodramus maritimus
- Theme_Keyword: Cistothorus platensis
- Theme_Keyword: Molothrus bonariensis
- Theme_Keyword: Egretta thula
- Theme_Keyword: Chen caerulescens
- Theme_Keyword: Rostrhamus sociabilis
- Theme_Keyword: Charadrius alexandrinus
- Theme_Keyword: Porzana carolina
- Theme_Keyword: Melospiza melodia
- Theme_Keyword: Sterna fuscata
- Theme_Keyword: Actitis macularia
- Theme_Keyword: Accipiter striatus
- Theme_Keyword: Ammodramus caudacutus
- Theme_Keyword: Buteo brachyurus
- Theme_Keyword: Elanoides forficatus
- Theme_Keyword: Piranga rubra
- Theme_Keyword: Limnothlypis swainsonii
- Theme_Keyword: Tachycineta bicolor
- Theme_Keyword: Egretta tricolor
- Theme_Keyword: Cygnus columbianus
- Theme_Keyword: Baeolophus bicolor
- Theme_Keyword: Cathartes aura
- Theme_Keyword: Bartramia longicauda
- Theme_Keyword: Catharus fuscescens
- Theme_Keyword: Pooecetes gramineus
- Theme_Keyword: Rallus limicola
- Theme_Keyword: Vireo gilvus
- Theme_Keyword: Sitta carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Patagioenas leucocephala
- Theme_Keyword: Vireo griseus
- Theme_Keyword: Helmitheros vermivorum
- Theme_Keyword: Eudocimus albus
- Theme_Keyword: Numenius phaeopus
- Theme_Keyword: Empidonax traillii
- Theme_Keyword: Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
- Theme_Keyword: Charadrius wilsonia
- Theme_Keyword: Meleagris gallopavo
- Theme_Keyword: Troglodytes troglodytes
- Theme_Keyword: Aix sponsa
- Theme_Keyword: Mycteria americana
- Theme_Keyword: Hylocichla mustelina
- Theme_Keyword: Caprimulgus vociferus
- Theme_Keyword: Elanus leucurus
- Theme_Keyword: Zenaida asiatica
- Theme_Keyword: Icteria virens
- Theme_Keyword: Coccyzus americanus
- Theme_Keyword: Empidonax flaviventris
- Theme_Keyword: Sphyrapicus varius
- Theme_Keyword: Nyctanassa violacea
- Theme_Keyword: Vireo flavifrons
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica dominica
- Theme_Keyword: Dendroica petechia
- Theme_Keyword: Ursus americanus
- Theme_Keyword: Neotoma magister
- Theme_Keyword: Castor canadensis
- Theme_Keyword: Mustela vison
- Theme_Keyword: Sylvilagus obscurus
- Theme_Keyword: Eptesicus fuscus
- Theme_Keyword: Tadarida brasiliensis
- Theme_Keyword: Rattus rattus
- Theme_Keyword: Lynx rufus
- Theme_Keyword: Sorex cinereus
- Theme_Keyword: Peromyscus gossypinus
- Theme_Keyword: Canis latrans
- Theme_Keyword: Peromyscus maniculatus
- Theme_Keyword: Tamias striatus
- Theme_Keyword: Sylvilagus floridanus
- Theme_Keyword: Scalopus aquaticus
- Theme_Keyword: Pipistrellus subflavus
- Theme_Keyword: Neotoma floridana
- Theme_Keyword: Sciurus niger
- Theme_Keyword: Sciurus carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Reithrodontomys humulis
- Theme_Keyword: Cervus elaphus
- Theme_Keyword: Lasiurus borealis
- Theme_Keyword: Myotis leibii
- Theme_Keyword: Spilogale putorius
- Theme_Keyword: Nycticeius humeralis
- Theme_Keyword: Sus scrofa
- Theme_Keyword: Equus caballus
- Theme_Keyword: Reithrodontomys fulvescens
- Theme_Keyword: Martes pennanti
- Theme_Keyword: Podomys floridanus
- Theme_Keyword: Ochrotomys nuttalli
- Theme_Keyword: Urocyon cinereoargenteus
- Theme_Keyword: Myotis grisescens
- Theme_Keyword: Parascalops breweri
- Theme_Keyword: Sigmodon hispidus
- Theme_Keyword: Lasiurus cinereus
- Theme_Keyword: Mus musculus
- Theme_Keyword: Myotis sodalis
- Theme_Keyword: Artibeus jamaicensis
- Theme_Keyword: Myotis lucifugus
- Theme_Keyword: Cryptotis parva
- Theme_Keyword: Mustela nivalis
- Theme_Keyword: Sorex dispar
- Theme_Keyword: Mustela frenata
- Theme_Keyword: Sylvilagus palustris
- Theme_Keyword: Microtus pennsylvanicus
- Theme_Keyword: Sciurus aureogaster
- Theme_Keyword: Zapus hudsonius
- Theme_Keyword: Oryzomys palustris
- Theme_Keyword: Ondatra zibethicus
- Theme_Keyword: Glaucomys sabrinus
- Theme_Keyword: Dasypus novemcinctus
- Theme_Keyword: Myotis septentrionalis
- Theme_Keyword: Rattus norvegicus
- Theme_Keyword: Procyon lotor
- Theme_Keyword: Lontra canadensis
- Theme_Keyword: Blarina brevicauda
- Theme_Keyword: Myocastor coypus
- Theme_Keyword: Lasiurus intermedius
- Theme_Keyword: Peromyscus polionotus
- Theme_Keyword: Microtus ochrogaster
- Theme_Keyword: Puma concolor
- Theme_Keyword: Sorex hoyi
- Theme_Keyword: Corynorhinus rafinesquii
- Theme_Keyword: Vulpes vulpes
- Theme_Keyword: Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
- Theme_Keyword: Canis rufus
- Theme_Keyword: Neofiber alleni
- Theme_Keyword: Microtus chrotorrhinus
- Theme_Keyword: Synaptomys cooperi
- Theme_Keyword: Lasiurus seminolus
- Theme_Keyword: Glaucomys volans
- Theme_Keyword: Lasionycteris noctivagans
- Theme_Keyword: Cervus nippon
- Theme_Keyword: Sorex fumeus
- Theme_Keyword: Lepus americanus
- Theme_Keyword: Myotis austroriparius
- Theme_Keyword: Sorex longirostris
- Theme_Keyword: Geomys pinetis
- Theme_Keyword: Clethrionomys gapperi
- Theme_Keyword: Blarina carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Condylura cristata
- Theme_Keyword: Mephitis mephitis
- Theme_Keyword: Sylvilagus aquaticus
- Theme_Keyword: Corynorhinus townsendii
- Theme_Keyword: Molossus molossus
- Theme_Keyword: Didelphis virginiana
- Theme_Keyword: Sorex palustris
- Theme_Keyword: Eumops glaucinus
- Theme_Keyword: Odocoileus virginianus
- Theme_Keyword: Peromyscus leucopus
- Theme_Keyword: Napaeozapus insignis
- Theme_Keyword: Marmota monax
- Theme_Keyword: Microtus pinetorum
- Theme_Keyword: Alligator mississippiensis
- Theme_Keyword: Crocodylus acutus
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys pulchra
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudemys alabamensis
- Theme_Keyword: Macrochelys temminckii
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys nigrinoda
- Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis getula nigra
- Theme_Keyword: Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys barbouri
- Theme_Keyword: Glyptemys muhlenbergii
- Theme_Keyword: Anolis sagrei
- Theme_Keyword: Eumeces laticeps
- Theme_Keyword: Storeria dekayi
- Theme_Keyword: Seminatrix pygaea
- Theme_Keyword: Nerodia taxispilota
- Theme_Keyword: Thamnophis sirtalis
- Theme_Keyword: Hemidactylus mabouia
- Theme_Keyword: Deirochelys reticularia
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys geographica
- Theme_Keyword: Sternotherus odoratus
- Theme_Keyword: Masticophis flagellum
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudemys floridana
- Theme_Keyword: Agkistrodon contortrix
- Theme_Keyword: Eumeces anthracinus
- Theme_Keyword: Elaphe guttata
- Theme_Keyword: Agkistrodon piscivorus
- Theme_Keyword: Malaclemys terrapin
- Theme_Keyword: Nerodia rhombifer
- Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis getula getula
- Theme_Keyword: Kinosternon subrubrum
- Theme_Keyword: Terrapene carolina carolina
- Theme_Keyword: Micrurus fulvius
- Theme_Keyword: Crotalus adamanteus
- Theme_Keyword: Ophisaurus ventralis
- Theme_Keyword: Heterodon platirhinos
- Theme_Keyword: Thamnophis sauritus
- Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys ernsti
- Theme_Keyword: Apalone spinifera spinifera
- Theme_Keyword: Elaphe obsoleta
- Theme_Keyword: Terrapene carolina bauri
- Theme_Keyword: Tantilla relicta
- Theme_Keyword: Sceloporus undulatus
- Theme_Keyword: Nerodia floridana
- Theme_Keyword: Eumeces fasciatus
- Theme_Keyword: Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus
- Theme_Keyword: Apalone ferox
- Theme_Keyword: Sternotherus depressus
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys pseudogeographica
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudemys nelsoni
- Theme_Keyword: Sceloporus woodi
- Theme_Keyword: Rhineura floridana
- Theme_Keyword: Terrapene carolina major
- Theme_Keyword: Regina grahamii
- Theme_Keyword: Apalone mutica calvata
- Theme_Keyword: Gopherus polyphemus
- Theme_Keyword: Apalone spinifera aspera
- Theme_Keyword: Anolis carolinensis
- Theme_Keyword: Scincella lateralis
- Theme_Keyword: Regina rigida
- Theme_Keyword: Chelonia mydas
- Theme_Keyword: Nerodia cyclopion
- Theme_Keyword: Ophisaurus compressus
- Theme_Keyword: Drymarchon corais couperi
- Theme_Keyword: Clonophis kirtlandii
- Theme_Keyword: Dermochelys coriacea
- Theme_Keyword: Sternotherus minor
- Theme_Keyword: Caretta caretta
- Theme_Keyword: Hemidactylus turcicus
- Theme_Keyword: Ophisaurus mimicus
- Theme_Keyword: Apalone mutica mutica
- Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata
- Theme_Keyword: Eumeces egregius
- Theme_Keyword: Farancia abacura
- Theme_Keyword: Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus
- Theme_Keyword: Chrysemys picta
- Theme_Keyword: Nerodia sipedon
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys ouachitensis
- Theme_Keyword: Rhadinaea flavilata
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys gibbonsi
- Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster
- Theme_Keyword: Nerodia erythrogaster
- Theme_Keyword: Sistrurus miliarius
- Theme_Keyword: Regina septemvittata
- Theme_Keyword: Coluber constrictor
- Theme_Keyword: Farancia erytrogramma
- Theme_Keyword: Storeria occipitomaculata
- Theme_Keyword: Sphaerodactylus notatus
- Theme_Keyword: Virginia striatula
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudemys rubriventris
- Theme_Keyword: Opheodrys aestivus
- Theme_Keyword: Pseudemys concinna
- Theme_Keyword: Diadophis punctatus
- Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis triangulum syspila
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys oculifera
- Theme_Keyword: Tantilla oolitica
- Theme_Keyword: Sternotherus carinatus
- Theme_Keyword: Neoseps reynoldsi
- Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides
- Theme_Keyword: Regina alleni
- Theme_Keyword: Tantilla coronata
- Theme_Keyword: Virginia valeriae
- Theme_Keyword: Eumeces inexpectatus
- Theme_Keyword: Ophisaurus attenuatus
- Theme_Keyword: Liochlorophis vernalis
- Theme_Keyword: Heterodon simus
- Theme_Keyword: Aspidoscelis sexlineata
- Theme_Keyword: Trachemys scripta
- Theme_Keyword: Nerodia clarkii
- Theme_Keyword: Kinosternon baurii
- Theme_Keyword: Chelydra serpentina
- Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
- Theme_Keyword: Clemmys guttata
- Theme_Keyword: Cemophora coccinea
- Theme_Keyword: Stilosoma extenuatum
- Theme_Keyword: Nerodia fasciata
- Theme_Keyword: Terrapene carolina triunguis
- Theme_Keyword: Phrynosoma cornutum
- Theme_Keyword: Crotalus horridus
- Theme_Keyword: Carphophis amoenus
- Theme_Keyword: Glyptemys insculpta
- Theme_Keyword: Thamnophis proximus
- Theme_Keyword: Graptemys flavimaculata
- Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
- Access_Constraints:
This data set is not intended for site-specific analyses. Interpretations derived from its use are suited for regional and planning purposes only. These data are not intended to be used at scales larger than 1:100,000. Acknowledgment of Southeast Gap Analysis Project is appreciated.
- Use_Constraints: No access restrictions; public domain.
- Data_Set_Credit:
Southeast Gap Analysis Project;
Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695, Steven G. Williams, Matthew J. Rubino;
Alabama Gap Project, Alabama Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Auburn University, Alabama 36839, Amy L. Silvano;
Natural Resources and Spatial Analysis Laboratory, University of Georgia, Athens Georgia 30602, Matthew J. Elliott, Kacy Cook, Stacy Smith.
- Point_of_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Steven G. Williams
- Contact_Organization:
Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center, Dept. of Biology, NCSU
- Contact_Position: Vertebrate Mapping Coordinator
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: mailing and physical address
- Address: 127 David Clark Labs, Dept. of Biology, NCSU
- City: Raleigh
- State_or_Province: NC
- Postal_Code: 27695-7617
- Country: USA
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: 919-513-7413
- Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 919-515-4454
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address:
- Security_Information:
- Security_Classification: Unclassified
- Metadata_Reference_Information:
- Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
- Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
- Metadata_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Organization_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Steven G. Williams
- Contact_Organization:
Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center, Dept. of Biology, NCSU
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: mailing and physical address
- City: Raleigh
- State_or_Province: NC
- Postal_Code: 27695-7617
- Address: 127 David Clark Labs, Dept. of Biology, NCSU
- Country: USA
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: 919-513-7413
- Contact_Position: Vertebrate Mapping Coordinator
- Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 919-515-4454
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address:
- Metadata_Date: 20100401
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
- Distribution_Information:
- Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
- Standard_Order_Process:
- Digital_Form:
- Digital_Transfer_Information:
- Transfer_Size: 0.000
- Format_Name: ESRI GRID
- Digital_Transfer_Option:
- Online_Option:
- Computer_Contact_Information:
- Network_Address:
- Network_Resource_Name: <>
- Distributor:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Steven G. Williams
- Contact_Organization:
Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center, Dept. of Biology, NCSU
- Contact_Position: Vertebrate Mapping Coordinator
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: mailing and physical address
- Address: 127 David Clark Labs, Dept. of Biology, NCSU
- City: Raleigh
- State_or_Province: NC
- Postal_Code: 27695-7617
- Country: USA
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: 919-513-7413
- Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 919-515-4454
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address:
- Distribution_Liability:
The digital data described by this metadata report were prepared by the Southeast Gap Analysis Project. Neither the States invovled nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this report or media or represent that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the States. Any views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the States involved. Data on this media may have been derived from federal agencies or from other external sources or from data developed by the agencies involved . In those cases where data has been translated from one format to another or initially developed from map or other sources the agencies involved has made all reasonable efforts to preserve the data quality as originally developed, however no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the agencies involved as to the completeness or accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution does not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the agencies involved in the use of this data, or related materials.
- Spatial_Data_Organization_Information:
- Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster
- Raster_Object_Information:
- Raster_Object_Type: Grid Cell
- Spatial_Reference_Information:
- Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition:
- Planar:
- Planar_Coordinate_Information:
- Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
- Planar_Distance_Units: meters
- Coordinate_Representation:
- Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000835
- Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000835
- Map_Projection:
- Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
- Albers_Conical_Equal_Area:
- Standard_Parallel: 29.500000
- Standard_Parallel: 45.500000
- Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -96.000000
- Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 23.000000
- False_Easting: 0.000000
- False_Northing: 0.000000
- Geodetic_Model:
- Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
- Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
- Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222
- Entity_and_Attribute_Information:
- Detailed_Description:
- Entity_Type:
- Entity_Type_Label: r_SppCode
- Entity_Type_Definition: Predicted Habitat for Species
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: VALUE
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Enumerated_Domain:
- Enumerated_Domain_Value: 0
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Not present
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Enumerated_Domain:
- Enumerated_Domain_Value: 1
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Winter Habitat
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Enumerated_Domain:
- Enumerated_Domain_Value: 2
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Summer Habitat
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Enumerated_Domain:
- Enumerated_Domain_Value: 3
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Year-round Habitat
- Attribute_Definition: Predicted Seasonal Habitat
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: COUNT
Generated by mp version 2.9.14 on Thu Oct 13 16:05:22 2011