| | | | | | | | | | |
Bald eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
ITIS Species Code: 175420
NatureServ Element Code: ABNKC10010
Aves | Falconiformes | Accipitridae
| NatureServe Global Rank: |
NatureServe State (NC) Rank: | |
| | Federal Status: |
NC State Status: | |
| |
Southern Blue Ridge: |
n/a | Southern Piedmont: | 17
| South Atl. Coastal Plain: | 17
 |  |
| | Land Unit |
| US Fish & Wildlife Service | US Forest Service | US National Park Service
| US Department of Defense | NC State Parks |
NC University System | NC Wildlife Res. Com. | NC Forest Service |
NC Div. of Coastal Mgmt. | Local Governments | Non-Governmental Org. |
Other Public Lands | Private Lands |
| GAP Status 1-2
| All Protected Lands | Statewide |
| Hectares |
76,563.36 | 23,173.11 | 41,539.95 |
7,871.31 | 9,476.55 | 2,459.16 |
40,409.10 | 256.41 | 7,561.26 |
685.26 | 14,211.27 | 35.10 |
1,006,262.46 |
| 140,634.18 | 222,126.66
| 1,230,504.30
| | | Acres |
189,192.15 | 57,261.99 | 102,647.43 |
19,450.43 | 23,417.06 | 6,076.72 |
99,853.04 | 633.60 | 18,684.28 |
1,693.31 | 35,116.81 | 86.73 |
2,486,528.21 |
| 347,514.56 | 548,886.82
| 3,040,641.75
| % of Dist. on |
Prot. Lands |
34.5 % | 10.4 % |
17.7 % | 3.5 % |
4.3 % | 1.1 % |
18.1 % | 0.1 % |
3.4 % | 6.4 % |
6.4 % | < 0.1 % |
0.2 % |
| 63.3
% | ----- | ----- |
% of Dist. on | All Lands |
6.2 % | 1.9 % |
3.4 % | 0.6 % |
0.8 % | 0.2 % |
3.3 % | < 0.1 % |
0.6 % | < 0.1 % |
1.2 % | < 0.1 % |
81.8 % |
| 11.4
% | ----- | ----- |
Abundant along the southeastern coast of the US. (Clark 1987). In North Carolina active eagle territories are known in the piedmont, sandhills, and along the coast (Foushee 1998). Bald eagles are usually found near water, i.e. lakes, reservoirs, large ponds, salt- and freshwater marshes, shorelines, etc. where an adequent supply fish can be found.
(Johnsgard 1990, Hamel 1992) Their nest is usually in mature trees as it is one of the largest built by birds and can weigh up to hundreds of pounds. (Brown and Amadon 1968) Normally it is the largest tree, taller than the surrounding stand, thus providing an easy flight path and open view of the nesting area. (Palmer 1988, Johnsgard 1990) Location of
nest is rarely in deep woods, but rather along the edge of the forest stand. (Hamel 1992, Palmer 1988) Like the nest tree, roosting and perching trees are among the tallest in the stand. (Palmer 1988) NATURE SERVE GLOBAL HABITAT COMMENTS: Breeding habitat most commonly includes areas close to (within 4km) coastal areas, bays, rivers,
lakes, or other bodies of water that reflect the general availability of primary food sources including fish, waterfowl, and seabirds (Andrew and Mosher 1982, Green 1985, Campbell et al. 1990). Preferentially roosts in conifers or other sheltered sites in winter in some areas; typically selects the larger, more accessible trees (Buehler et al. 1991, 1992). Perching in
deciduous and coniferous trees is equally common in other areas (e.g., Bowerman et al. 1993). Communal roost sites used by two or more eagles are common, and some may be used by 100 or more eagles during periods of high use. Winter roost sites vary in their proximity to food resources (up to 33 km) and may be determined to some extent by a
preference for a warmer microclimate at these sites. Available data indicate that energy conservation may or may not be an important factor in roost-site selection (Buehler et al. 1991). In Saskatchewan lakes, density was positively correlated with abundance of large fishes (Dzus and Gerrard 1993). In winter, may associate with waterfowl concentrations or
congregate in areas with abundant dead fish (Griffin et al. 1982); often roosts communally at night in trees that are used in successive years. Wintering areas are commonly associated with open water though in some areas eagles use habitats with little or no open water if other food resources (e.g. rabbit or deer carrion) are readily available. Avoids areas with
nearby human activity (boat traffic, pedestrians) and development (buildings) (Buehler et al. 1991). BREEDING: Usually nests in tall trees or on cliffs near water. Nest trees include pines, spruce, firs, cottonwoods, oaks, populars, and beech. Ground nesting has been reported on the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, in Canada's Northwest Territories, and in Ohio,
Michigan, and Texas. Nests located on cliffs and rock pinnacles have been reported historically in California, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah, but currently are known to occur only in Alaska and Arizona. Same nest may be used year after year, or may alternate between two nest sites in successive years. In British Columbia, nests with overhead canopy
of foliage were most successful (Palmer 1988). See Livingston et al. (1990) for model of nesting habitat in Maine, Wood et al. (1989) for characteristics of nesting habitat in Florida (most nests in live pine trees). In Oregon, most nests were within 1.6 km of water, usually in largest tree in stand (Anthony and Isaacs 1989). In Colorado and Wyoming, forest stands
containing nest trees varied from old-growth ponderosa pine to narrow strips of riparian vegetation surrounded by rangeland (Kralovec et al. 1992). NATURE SERVE STATE HABITAT COMMENTS: Often nest in the ecotone between forest and marsh, or forest and water. Nests are typically constructed in dominant or codominant live pines or cypress,
and are usually less than 3 km from open water. The cone-shaped nest may be 6 ft. or more in diameter, and 6-8 ft. from top to bottom. It consists of sticks, leaves, grass, or Spanish moss. Winter habitat varies, but the birds are never far from water.
| Occupied Landcover Map Units: |
| Code |
Name | Description |
NC Natural Heritage Program Equivalent |
378 | Ocean Beaches
Open beach sand.
Upper Beach
3 | Tidal Marsh
Fresh and brackish tidal marshes, including cord grass, wild rice, sawgrass and needlerush alliances.
Brackish Marsh, Interdune pond, Maritime wet grassland
124 | Maritime Scrubs and Tidal Shrublands
Coastal shrubs including wax-myrtle, swamp rose, alder, yaupon, and greenbriar.
Maritime Shrubs, Salt Shrub
375 | Hypersaline coastal salt flats
Tidal flats within salt marshes, including saltmeadow cordgrass or sea-purslane dominated alliances.
Salt Marsh
372 | Interdune Herbaceous Wetlands
Dune swales with permanently flooded to intermittently exposed hydrology. Species composition depends on salinity and can include cut grass, spike-rush, mosquito fern, and hornwort.
Interdune Pond, Maritime Wet Grasslands
371 | Maritime Grasslands
Dune grass community consisting of sea oats and beach grasses.
Dune grass, Maritime dry grassland
75 | Tidal Swamp Forest
Swamp tupelo dominated forest with or without black tupelo and/or cypress trees. Restricted to the tidal zones in the coastal plain. May have inclusions of coastal red cedar woodlands.
Tidal cypress - gum swamp
121 | Maritime Pinelands
Loblolly forests and woodlands of the outer coastal plain.
Estuarine Fringe Loblolly Pine Forest
17 | Maritime Forests and Hammocks
Maritime forests and woodlands dominated by live or sand laurel oak. Estuarine Fringe forests dominated by loblolly pine.
Coastal Fringe Evergreen Forest, Maritime Deciduous Forest, Maritime Deciduous Forest
126 | Interdune Wooded Depression Swamp
Includes swamps dominated by sweetbay and swampbay or dogwood dominated forests.
Maritime Shrub Swamp, Maritime Swamp Forest
380 | Coastal Plain Fresh Water Emergent
Emergent vegetation in fresh water seepage bogs, ponds and riverbeds of the coastal plain. Includes alliances dominated by sedges, eelgrass, as well as cane found in unforested cane-brakes.
Small Depression Pond, Sandhill Seep, Floodplain Pool, Unforested Floodplain Canebrake, Riverscour Prairies, Vernal Pools
173 | Coastal Plain Riverbank Shrubs
Shrub dominated riverbanks, commonly dominated by willows and/or alders.
Sand and Mud Bar
50 | Coastal Plain Mixed Bottomland Forests
Includes forests dominated by a variety of hardwood species, including sweetgum, cottonwood, red maple.
Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwood (in part), Coastal Plain Levee Forest
49 | Coastal Plain Oak Bottomland Forest
Bottomland forests dominated by deciduous oak alliances. Oaks represented can include swamp chestnut, cherrybark, willow, and/or overcup oak. Inclusions of loblolly pine temporarily flooded forests occur in patches. Hydrology is temporarily to seasonally flooded.
Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (in part) blackwater subtype, brownwater subtype
158 | Coastal Plain Nonriverine Wet Flat Forests
Loblolly pine - Atlantic white-cedar - red maple - swamp tupelo saturated forests as well as forests dominated by loblolly, sweetgum, and red maple in non-riverine flats.
Non-riverine Wet Hardwood Forest
41 | Peatland Atlantic White-Cedar Forest
Dense stands of Atlantic white cedar with saturated hydrology. Can include swamp tupelo, red maple, and pond pines with a moderate shrub and herb layer.
Peatland Atlantic White-Cedar Forest
15 | Seepage and Streamhead Swamps
Includes extensive peat flats in the coastal plain, dominated by swamp tupelo, maples, and Atlantic white cedar alliances. In the sandhills includes streamhead pond pine and bay forests alliances. Saturated hydrology.
Bay Forest, Small Depression Pocosin, Streamhead Atlantic White Cedar Forest, Streamhead Pocosins
30 | Cypress-Gum Floodplain Forests
Swamps dominated by black or swamp tupelo with or without Taxodium. Seasonally to semi-permanently flooded hydrology.
Cypress-Gum Swamps
78 | Pond-Cypress - Gum Swamps, Savannas and Lakeshores
Cypress dominated swamps and lakeshores. Can include bays dominated by pond cypress or shorelines of coastal plain lakes with a narrow band of cypress.
Non-riverine Swamp Forest, Natural Lakeshores (in part)
385 | Oak Bottomland Forest and Swamp Forest
The swamp chestnut oak, cherrybark oak, shumard oak and sweetgum alliance is one representative. Other alliances are dominated by water, willow, and overcup oaks. Swamp forests can be dominated by sweetgum, red maple, and black gum being dominant.
Loblolly can occur in combination with sweetgum and red maple, or with tulip poplar. Includes saturated and semi- to permanently flooded forests in the mountains.
Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest, Piedmont/Mountain Swamp Forest
63 | Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forests
Beech dominated forests with white oak and northern red oak as possible co-dominants. Dry-mesic to mesic forests on slopes and small stream bottoms in the coastal plain.
Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest, Basic Mesic Forests
138 | Coastal Plain Dry to Dry-Mesic Oak Forests
Oak dominated forests of the coastal plain. Includes white oak forests with water oak or northern red oak and hickories as co-dominants.
Dry Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, Basic Oak Hickory Forest, Dry Oak Hickory Forest
87 | Pocosin Woodlands and Shrublands
Includes pond pine woodland, low pocosin and high pocosin shrub dominated areas. Canebrakes and bay forests may be present.
Pond Pine Woodlands, Peatland Canebrake, Small Depression Pocosin
67 | Wet Longleaf or Slash Pine Savanna
Wet flatwoods and pine savannas, typically dominated by longleaf pines, but slash or pond pines may be the dominant pines.
Wet Pine Flatwoods
97 | Mesic Longleaf Pine
Longleaf pine woodlands without a major scrub oak component. Slash or loblolly pines may be present as well.
Mesic Pine Flatwoods
42 | Xeric Longleaf Pine
Sandhills including a range of longleaf pine density from predominantly wiregrass, scrub oak dominated to true longleaf pine woodland. This does not include mesic or saturated flatwood types.
Xeric Sandhill Scrub, Pine/Scrub Oak Sandhill, Coastal Fringe Sandhill
46 | Xeric Oak - Pine Forests
Mixed forest dominated by yellow pines with white or northern red oaks co-dominating.
Pine Oak Heath
232 | Xeric Pine-Hardwood Woodlands and Forests
Mixed forest dominated by yellow pines with drier oaks including southern red, post, and chestnut oaks.
Dry Oak Hickory Forest
238 | Piedmont/Mountain Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Seasonally to permanently flooded areas with aquatic vegetation. Waterlily, pondweed, hydrilla smartweed are a few of the species that can occur.
Piedmont/Mountain Semipermanent Impoundment (in part)
239 | Piedmont/Mountain Emergent Vegetation
Emergent vegetation of all wetland hydrologies. Sites would commonly support species such as tussock sedge, rushs, and cattail alliances.
Rocky Bar and Shore (in part)
267 | Riverbank Shrublands
Riverside shrubs with temporarily flooded hydrologies. Found in the both the Mountains and Piedmont. Containing dominants such as smooth alder and a Carolina or black willows.
Sand and Mud Bar
269 | Floodplain Wet Shrublands
Saturated shrublands of the Piedmont, includes buttonbush, swamp-loosestrife, decodon and alders.
Piedmont/mountain Semipermanent Impoundment
230 | Piedmont Mesic Forest
American Beech - Red Oak - White Oak Forests.
Mesic Mixed Hardwood
384 | Piedmont/Mountain Mixed Bottomland Hardwood Forests
Includes temporarily to seasonally forests dominated by hardwood species. Hardwoods include sweetgum, red maple, sycamore which co-occur in a mosaic of bottomland and levee positions. Includes alluvial hardwood forests in the mountains. Hemlock and
white pine may occur as inclusions, but are generally mapped separately.
Piedmont/Mountain Alluvial Forest, Piedmont/Mountain Levee Forest
383 | Piedmont Mixed Successional Forest
Generally loblolly mixed with successional hardwoods. Sweetgum, tulip poplar and red maple are common co-dominants in these successional forests.
No equivalent
228 | Piedmont Dry-Mesic Oak and Hardwood Forests
Primarily oak dominated forests, white oak is often dominant, with co-dominants including . Also represented by sweetgum and tulip poplar dominated forests.
Dry Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, Basic Oak Hickory Forest, Dry Oak Hickory Forest
222 | Piedmont Dry-Mesic Pine Forests
Loblolly dominated forests resulting from succession following clearing. This type occurs on all moisture regimes following disturbance with the exception of the extremely xeric sites.
No equivalent
382 | Dry Mesic Oak Pine Forests
Mixed forests of the coastal plain and piedmont. Includes loblolly pine with white, southern red and/or post oak and loblolly with water oak. On basic sites of the piedmont, eastern red cedar may co-occur with post, black, and blackjack oaks.
Dry Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, Xeric Hard Pan Forest, Chestnut Oak Forest, Dry Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, Dry Oak Hickory Forest
220 | Piedmont Xeric Pine Forests
Dry to xeric pine forests dominated by Virginia pine, shortleaf pine or Eastern Red Cedar.
Pine Oak Heath
226 | Piedmont Xeric Woodlands
Generally post and blackjack oak dominated woodlands. White ash and pignut hickory can be found in combination with Eastern red cedar on glades.
Xeric Hardpan Forest
20 | Coniferous Regeneration
Regenerating pine stands. Predominantly loblolly pine, but slash and longleaf stands occur as well.
No equivalent
21 | Coniferous Cultivated Plantation (natural / planted)
Managed pine plantations, densely planted. Most planted stands are loblolly, but slash and longleaf occur as well.
No equivalent
51 | Deciduous Cultivated Plantation
Planted deciduous trees. Includes sweetgum and sycamore plantations.
No equivalent
36 | Successional Deciduous Forests
Regenerating deciduous trees with a shrub stature. Commonly dominated by sweetgum, tulip poplars and maples.
No equivalent
180 | Agricultural Crop Fields
Farm fields used for row crops.
No equivalent
205 | Agricultural Pasture/Hay and Natural Herbaceous
Farm fields used for pasture grass or hay production, as well as old fields dominated by native and exotic grasses.
No equivalent
8 | Open water
Open water without aquatic vegetation.
No equivalent
| View Entire Landcover Legend |
Additional Spatial Constraints: |
| Exclude all area outside of known range. |
| Exclude all land greater than 3 kilometers from large bodies of water. |
| Exclude all water greater than 5 kilometers from land. |
| Exclude areas of intensive human activity including moderately to highly developed landscapes. |
Grubb, T. G. 1980. An artificial bald eagle nest structure. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experimental Station, Research Note RM-383.
Andrew, J.M. and J.A. Mosher. 1982. Bald eagle nest site selection and nesting habitat in Maryland. J. Wildlife Management 46:382-390.
Fraser, J. D., et al. 1983. Scheduling bald eagle reproductive surveys. Wildlife Society Bull. 11:13-16.
Forbis, L. A. 1988. Status and trends of bald eagles breeding in Arizona, 1975-1986. Pages 282-288 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11.
Lefranc, M. N., Jr., and R. L. Glinski. 1988. Southwest raptor management issues and recommendations. Pages 375-392 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. National Wildlife Federation Science and Tech. Ser. No. 1
Titus, K., and M. R. Fuller. 1990. Recent trends in counts of migrant hawks from northeastern North America. Journal of Wildlife Management 54:463-470.
Witmer, G., and T. A. O'Neil. 1990. Assessing cumulative impacts to wintering bald eagles in western Washington. Pages 144-150 in Mitchell et al., eds. Ecosystem management:rare species and significant habitats. New York State Museum Bull. 471.
Dzus, E., and J. Gerrard. 1993. Factors influencing bald eagle densities in northcentral Saskatchewan. J. Wildlife Management 57:771-778.
Grubb, T. G. 1995. Food habits of bald eagles breeding in the Arizona desert. Wilson Bulletin 107:258-274.
Hunter, P., and D. Baird. 1994/95. The bald eagle in Ontario's Great Lakes basin. Bird Trends (Canadian Wildlife Service) (4):17-18.
Kirk, D.A., D. Hussell, and E. Dunn. 1994/95. Raptor population status and trends in Canada. Bird Trends (Canadian Wildlife Service) 4:2-9.
Bent, A.C. 1937. Life histories of North American birds of prey. Part 1. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 137. 409 pp.
Ehrlich, P.R., D.S. Dobkin, and D. Wheye. 1992. Birds in jeopardy:the imperiled and extinct birds of the United States and Canada, including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. 259 pp.
Evers, D. C. 1992. A guide to Michigan's endangered wildlife. Univ. Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. viii + 103 pp.
Hamel, P. B. 1992. The land manager's guide to the birds of the south. The Nature Conservancy, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 367 pp + several appendices.
Herkert, J. R., editor. 1992. Endangered and threatened species of Illinois:status and distribution. Vol. 2:Animals. Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board. iv + 142 pp.
Maniscalco, J., compiler. 1992. HALIAEETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS (Linnaeus) bald eagle:a working bibliography. Available as a printed document or on diskette.
Fisher, A.K. 1893. The hawks and owls of the United States in their relation to agriculture. Washington U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Bull. no. 6. 210 pp.
California Department of Fish and Game. 1990. 1989 annual report on the status of California's state listed threatened and endangered plants and animals. 188 pp.
Grubb, T. G., et al. 1992. Responses of breeding bald eagles, HALIAEETUS LEUCOCEPHALIS [sic], to human activities in northcentral Michigan. Canadian Field-Naturalist 106:443-453.
Kralovec, M. L., et al. 1992. Nesting productivity, food habits, and nest sites of bald eagles in Colorado and southeastern Wyoming. Southwestern Naturalist 37:356-361.
Bowerman, W. W., et al. 1993. Population composition and perching habitat of wintering bald eagles, HALIAEETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS, in northcentral Michigan. Can. Field-Nat. 107:273-278.
Brown, B. T. 1993. Winter foraging ecology of bald eagles in Arizona. Condor 95:132-138.
Anthony, R. G., and F. B. Isaacs. 1989. Characteristics of bald eagle nest sites in Oregon. J. Wildlife Management. 53:148-159.
Brown, B. T., et al. 1989. Changes in winter distribution of bald eagles along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. J. Raptor Research 23:110-113.
Grubb, T. G., et al. 1989. Winter roosting patterns of bald eagles (HALIAEETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS) in north-central Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 34:453-459.
Vermeer, K., and K. H. Morgan. 1989. Nesting population, nest sites, and prey remains of bald eagles in Barkeley Sound, British Columbia. Northwestern Naturalist 70:21-26.
Wiemeyer, S. N., et al. 1989. Environmental contaminants in blood of western bald eagles. J. Raptor Res. 23:140-146.
Wood, P. B., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and M. W. Collopy. 1989. Characteristics of bald eagle nesting habitat in Florida. J. Wildlife Management 53:441-449.
Chester, D. N., et al. 1990. Habitat use by nonbreeding bald eagles in North Carolina. J. Wildlife Management 54:223-234.
Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, Hawks, and Falcons of the World. McGraw-Hill, NY.
Green, N. 1985. The Bald Eagle. Pp 508-531 in R.L. DiSilvestro, ed., Audubon Wildlife Report 1985. National Audubon Society, New York.
Knight, R. L., and D. P. Anderson. 1990. Effects of supplemental feeding on an avian scavenging guild. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 18:388-394.
Livingston, S. A., et al. 1990. Habitat models for nesting bald eagles in Maine. J. Wildlife Management 54:644-653.
Knight, R. L., and S. K. Knight. 1984. Responses of wintering bald eagles to boating activity. J. Wildlife Management 48:999-1004.
Harrison, C. 1978. A field guide to the nests, eggs and nestlings of North American birds. Collins, Cleveland, Ohio.
Steenhof, K. 1978. Management of wintering bald eagles. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79/79, 55 pp.
King, Warren B., compiler. 1979. Endangered birds of the world. The International Council for Bird Preservation. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. [Reprinted in handbook form in 1981.].
Lincer, J. L., W. S. Clark, and M. N. LeFranc, Jr. 1979. Working bibliography of the bald eagle. Raptor Information Center, National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C. NWF Scientific/Technical Series No. 2. 219 pp.
Fraser, J. D., L. D. Frenzel, and J. E. Mathisen. 1985. The impact of human activities on breeding bald eagles in north-central Minnesota. J. Wildlife Management 49:585-592.
Terres, J.K. 1980. The Audubon Society encyclopedia of North American birds. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.
Evans, D. L. 1982. Status reports on twelve raptors. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report No. 238. 68 pp.
Griffin, C. R., T. S. Baskett, and R. D. Sparrowe. 1982. Ecology of bald eagles wintering near a waterfowl concentration. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Science Report - Wildlife No. 247:1-12.
Bird, D. M., editor. 1983. Biology and management of bald eagles and ospreys. MacDonald. 325 pp.
American Ornithologists' Union (AOU), Committee on Classification and Nomenclature. 1983. Check-list of North American Birds. Sixth Edition. American Ornithologists' Union, Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas.
National Geographic Society (NGS). 1983. Field guide to the birds of North America. National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.
Haywood, D. D., and R. D. Ohmart. 1986. Utilization of benthic-feeding fish by inland breeding bald eagles. Condor 88:35-42.
Millsap, B. A. 1986. Status of wintering bald eagles in the coterminous 48 states. Wildlife Society Bull. 14:433-440.
Clark, W.S. 1987. A field guide to the hawks of North America. New York: Houghton Mifflin. 195 p.
Pendleton, B. A. Giron, et al. 1987. Raptor management techniques manual. National Wildlife Federation, Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 10. 420 pp.
Stalmaster, M. V. 1987. The bald eagle. Universe. 227 pp.
Mahaffy, M. S., and L. D. Frenzel. 1987. Elicited territorial responses of northern bald eagles near active nests. J. Wildlife Management 51:551-554.
Gerrard, J. M., and G. R. Bortolotti. 1988. The bald eagle. Haunts and habits of a wilderness monarch. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 194 pp.
Palmer, R. S., editor. 1988. Handbook of North American birds. Vol. 4. [Diurnal raptors, part 1]. Yale University Press, New Haven. vii + 433 pp.
Root, T. 1988. Atlas of wintering North American birds:An analysis of Christmas Bird Count data. University of Chicago Press. 336 pp.
Buehler, D. A., et al. 1991. Winter microclimate of bald eagle roosts on the northern Chesapeake Bay. Auk 108:612-618.
Buehler, D. A., et al. 1991. Differences in distribution of breeding, nonbreeding, and migrant bald eagles on the northern Chesapeake Bay. Condor 93:399-408.
Buehler, D. A., et al. 1991. Survival rates and population dynamics of bald eagles on Chesapeake Bay. J. Wildlife Management 55:608-613.
Buehler, D. A., et al. 1991. Effects of human activity on bald eagle distribution on the northern Chesapeake Bay. J. Wildlife Management 55:282-290.
Buehler, D. A., et al. 1991. Nonbreeding bald eagle communal and solitary roosting behavior and roost habitat on the northern Chesapeake Bay. J. Wildlife Management 55:273-281.
Byrd, M.A., and D.W. Johnston. 1991. Birds. Pages 477-537 in K. Terwilliger, coordinator. Virginia's endangered species:proceedings of a symposium. McDonald and Woodward Publ. Co., Blacksburg, Virginia.
Grubb, T. G., and R. M. King. 1991. Assessing human disturbance of breeding bald eagles with classification tree models. J. Wildlife Management 55:500-511.
Campbell, R. W., N. K. Dawe, I. McTaggart-Cowan, J. M. Cooper, G. W. Kaiser and M. C. McNall. 1990. The birds of British Columbia, Vols. 1 and 2:Non passerines. Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria, B. C. 518 and 636 pp.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1990. Endangered and threatened species recovery program:report to Congress. 406 pp.
Johnsgard, P.A. 1990. Hawks, eagles, and falcons of North America. Smithsonian Inst. Press, Washington, D.C. xvi + 403 pp.
Matthews, J. R., and C. J. Moseley (editors). 1990. The Official World Wildlife Fund Guide to Endangered Species of North America. Volume 1. Plants, Mammals. xxiii + pp 1-560 + 33 pp. appendix + 6 pp. glossary + 16 pp. index. Volume 2. Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians.
Brown, B. T., P. L. Warren, and L. S. Anderson. 1988. Status of bald eagles in the Rio Yaqui drainage of Sonora, Mexico. Page 321 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11
Sibley, C.G., and B.L. Monroe. 1990. Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the world. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut. xxiv + 1111 pp.
Kozie, K. D., and R. K. Anderson. 1991. Productivity, diet, and environmental contaminants in bald eagles nesting near the Wisconsin shoreline of Lake Superior. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 20:41-48.
Busch, D. E. 1988. Bald eagle. Pages 57-64 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest Raptor Manage. Symp. and Workshop. National Wildlife Federation Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11.
Montopoli, G. J., and D. A. Anderson. 1991. A logistic model for the cumulative effects of human intervention on bald eagle habitat. J. Wildlife Management 55:290-293.
Caton, E. L., et al. 1992. Characteristics of foraging perches used by breeding bald eagles in Montana. Wilson Bull. 104:136-142.
Curnutt, J. L. 1992. Dynamics of a year-round communal roost of bald eagles. Wilson Bull. 104:536-540.
Spencer, C. N., B. R. McClelland, and J. A. Stanford. 1991. Shrimp stocking, salmon collapse, and eagle displacement. BioScience 41:14-21.
Watson, J. W., M. G. Garrett, and R. G. Anthony. 1991. Foraging ecology of bald eagles in the Columbia River estuary. J. Wildlife Management 55:492-499.
Brown, B. T., and L. E. Stevens. 1992. Winter abundance, age structure, and distribution of bald eagles along the Colorado River, Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 37:404-435.
Buehler, D. A., et al. 1992. Nonbreeding bald eagle perch habitat on the northern Chesapeake Bay. Wilson Bull. 104:540-545.
10 March 2005 |
This data was compiled and/or developed
by the North Carolina GAP Analysis Project.
For more information please contact them at: NC-GAP Analysis Project Dept. of Zoology, NCSU Campus Box 7617 Raleigh, NC 27695-7617 (919) 513-2853
www.basic.ncsu.edu/ncgap |