Code |
Name | Description |
NC Natural Heritage Program Equivalent |
121 | Maritime Pinelands
Loblolly forests and woodlands of the outer coastal plain.
Estuarine Fringe Loblolly Pine Forest
17 | Maritime Forests and Hammocks
Maritime forests and woodlands dominated by live or sand laurel oak. Estuarine Fringe forests dominated by loblolly pine.
Coastal Fringe Evergreen Forest, Maritime Deciduous Forest, Maritime Deciduous Forest
126 | Interdune Wooded Depression Swamp
Includes swamps dominated by sweetbay and swampbay or dogwood dominated forests.
Maritime Shrub Swamp, Maritime Swamp Forest
50 | Coastal Plain Mixed Bottomland Forests
Includes forests dominated by a variety of hardwood species, including sweetgum, cottonwood, red maple.
Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwood (in part), Coastal Plain Levee Forest
49 | Coastal Plain Oak Bottomland Forest
Bottomland forests dominated by deciduous oak alliances. Oaks represented can include swamp chestnut, cherrybark, willow, and/or overcup oak. Inclusions of loblolly pine temporarily flooded forests occur in patches. Hydrology is temporarily to seasonally flooded.
Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (in part) blackwater subtype, brownwater subtype
158 | Coastal Plain Nonriverine Wet Flat Forests
Loblolly pine - Atlantic white-cedar - red maple - swamp tupelo saturated forests as well as forests dominated by loblolly, sweetgum, and red maple in non-riverine flats.
Non-riverine Wet Hardwood Forest
41 | Peatland Atlantic White-Cedar Forest
Dense stands of Atlantic white cedar with saturated hydrology. Can include swamp tupelo, red maple, and pond pines with a moderate shrub and herb layer.
Peatland Atlantic White-Cedar Forest
15 | Seepage and Streamhead Swamps
Includes extensive peat flats in the coastal plain, dominated by swamp tupelo, maples, and Atlantic white cedar alliances. In the sandhills includes streamhead pond pine and bay forests alliances. Saturated hydrology.
Bay Forest, Small Depression Pocosin, Streamhead Atlantic White Cedar Forest, Streamhead Pocosins
30 | Cypress-Gum Floodplain Forests
Swamps dominated by black or swamp tupelo with or without Taxodium. Seasonally to semi-permanently flooded hydrology.
Cypress-Gum Swamps
78 | Pond-Cypress - Gum Swamps, Savannas and Lakeshores
Cypress dominated swamps and lakeshores. Can include bays dominated by pond cypress or shorelines of coastal plain lakes with a narrow band of cypress.
Non-riverine Swamp Forest, Natural Lakeshores (in part)
385 | Oak Bottomland Forest and Swamp Forest
The swamp chestnut oak, cherrybark oak, shumard oak and sweetgum alliance is one representative. Other alliances are dominated by water, willow, and overcup oaks. Swamp forests can be dominated by sweetgum, red maple, and black gum being dominant.
Loblolly can occur in combination with sweetgum and red maple, or with tulip poplar. Includes saturated and semi- to permanently flooded forests in the mountains.
Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest, Piedmont/Mountain Swamp Forest
63 | Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forests
Beech dominated forests with white oak and northern red oak as possible co-dominants. Dry-mesic to mesic forests on slopes and small stream bottoms in the coastal plain.
Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest, Basic Mesic Forests
138 | Coastal Plain Dry to Dry-Mesic Oak Forests
Oak dominated forests of the coastal plain. Includes white oak forests with water oak or northern red oak and hickories as co-dominants.
Dry Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, Basic Oak Hickory Forest, Dry Oak Hickory Forest
87 | Pocosin Woodlands and Shrublands
Includes pond pine woodland, low pocosin and high pocosin shrub dominated areas. Canebrakes and bay forests may be present.
Pond Pine Woodlands, Peatland Canebrake, Small Depression Pocosin
67 | Wet Longleaf or Slash Pine Savanna
Wet flatwoods and pine savannas, typically dominated by longleaf pines, but slash or pond pines may be the dominant pines.
Wet Pine Flatwoods
97 | Mesic Longleaf Pine
Longleaf pine woodlands without a major scrub oak component. Slash or loblolly pines may be present as well.
Mesic Pine Flatwoods
230 | Piedmont Mesic Forest
American Beech - Red Oak - White Oak Forests.
Mesic Mixed Hardwood
384 | Piedmont/Mountain Mixed Bottomland Hardwood Forests
Includes temporarily to seasonally forests dominated by hardwood species. Hardwoods include sweetgum, red maple, sycamore which co-occur in a mosaic of bottomland and levee positions. Includes alluvial hardwood forests in the mountains. Hemlock and white pine may occur as inclusions, but are generally mapped separately.
Piedmont/Mountain Alluvial Forest, Piedmont/Mountain Levee Forest
383 | Piedmont Mixed Successional Forest
Generally loblolly mixed with successional hardwoods. Sweetgum, tulip poplar and red maple are common co-dominants in these successional forests.
No equivalent
228 | Piedmont Dry-Mesic Oak and Hardwood Forests
Primarily oak dominated forests, white oak is often dominant, with co-dominants including . Also represented by sweetgum and tulip poplar dominated forests.
Dry Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, Basic Oak Hickory Forest, Dry Oak Hickory Forest
222 | Piedmont Dry-Mesic Pine Forests
Loblolly dominated forests resulting from succession following clearing. This type occurs on all moisture regimes following disturbance with the exception of the extremely xeric sites.
No equivalent
382 | Dry Mesic Oak Pine Forests
Mixed forests of the coastal plain and piedmont. Includes loblolly pine with white, southern red and/or post oak and loblolly with water oak. On basic sites of the piedmont, eastern red cedar may co-occur with post, black, and blackjack oaks.
Dry Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, Xeric Hard Pan Forest, Chestnut Oak Forest, Dry Mesic Oak Hickory Forest, Dry Oak Hickory Forest
21 | Coniferous Cultivated Plantation (natural / planted)
Managed pine plantations, densely planted. Most planted stands are loblolly, but slash and longleaf occur as well.
No equivalent
51 | Deciduous Cultivated Plantation
Planted deciduous trees. Includes sweetgum and sycamore plantations.
No equivalent
36 | Successional Deciduous Forests
Regenerating deciduous trees with a shrub stature. Commonly dominated by sweetgum, tulip poplars and maples.
No equivalent
517 | Hemlock Floodplain Forest
Alluvial forest with hemlock and/or white pine in mountains and western piedmont. Hydrology is generally temporarily to seasonally flooded.
Canada Hemlock Forest
522 | Northern Hardwoods
High Elevation forests including yellow birch, American beech, and yellow buckeye. Includes forests with Hemlock and Yellow Birch.
Northern Hardwoods Forest, Boulderfield Forest
525 | Appalachian Oak Forest
A variety of oak forest types including Black, White, Scarlet Oaks in dry to mesic situations. Includes forests historically co-dominated by American Chestnut.
High Elevation Red Oak Forest, Montane White Oak Forest
526 | Appalachian Cove Forest
Mixed Mesophytic forests of the mountains. Includes tuliptree, basswood, yellow buckeye and surgar maple. This class is mapped to include cove forests dominated or co-dominated by hemlock.
Rich Cove Forest, Acidic Cove Forest
527 | Appalachian Hemlock
Upland hemlock forests of the moutains region. Vary from side slopes to steep slope positions.
Canada Hemlock Forest
533 | Appalachian Swamp Forest
Evergreen and deciduous forests with saturated hydrologies. This class may contain a variety of trees species, including hemlock - red maple, pitch pine, and white pine forests.
Swamp Forest-Bog Complex, Southern Appalachian Bog, Southern Appalachian Fen
534 | Appalachian Wet Shrubland/ Herbaceous
Saturated shrubs and herbaceous vegetation. Often mapped as an inclusion in Appalachian Swamp Forest.
Southern Appalachian Bog, Southern Appalachian Fen