Krishna Pacifici

Research Coordinator
David Clark Labs Rm XXXX

My research interests can broadly be classified into three main areas: (1) use of adaptive management/structured decision making to make informed decisions influencing conservation and/or managment, (2) measuring and monitoring biological systems with a focus on estimation of important state variables, where monitoring is considered a vital, active step in furthering understanding from either a scientific or management perspective, and (3) development of new statistical methodologies to adapt to complex systems or scenarios of bias and error to better our ability to addressrelevant changes in animal and plant communities.


  • North Carolina State University, BS Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences (2003)
  • North Carolina State University, MS Zoology (2007)
  • University of Georgia, MS Statistics (2012)
  • University of Georgia, PhD Forest Resources (2011)

Research & Professional Experience

  • North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, North Carolina State University (2011-present)
  • School of Ecology and Department of Statistics, University of Georgia (2010-2011)
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service and BP Oil (2010-2011)
  • Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia (2007-2010)
  • Aspen Marketing Company, Atlanta, GA (2008-2009)
  • Department of Zoology, North Carolina State University (2004-2007)
  • Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge, Naples, FL (2004)
  • Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, North Carolina State University (2004)
  • Department of Zoology, North Carolina State University (2002)
  • Department of Crops, Soils, and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech (1998-1999)
  • Department of Biology, Arizona State University (1997-1999)

Teaching Experience

University Courses:
  • Dynamic Environmental and Resource Management (2012 & 2013)
  • Estimation of Parameters of Fish and Wildlife Populations (2009 & 2010)
  • Human Anatomy (2006)
  • Animal Anatomy and Physiology (2006)
  • Ornithology (2005)
  • Structured Decision Making: Addressing Climate-related Uncertainty for Natural Resource Management (2013)
  • Structured Decision Making: Landscape Conservation for Sea Level Rise Adaptation – A Regional Framework (2012)
  • Occupancy Analysis and Modeling (2011)
  • Introduction to Structured Decision Making for natural resources management (2011)
  • Bayesian SI Mixing (Isotope) Models in R and WinBUGS: Inference and Diagnostics (2010)
  • Parameter Estimation and Monitoring (2010)
  • Adaptive Resource Management, Structured Decision Making, and Parameter Estimation (2009 & 2008)

Selected Publications

Research Articles:
  • Collazo JA, Fackler PL, Pacifici K, White TH Jr, Llerandi-Roman I, Dinsmore SJ (Accepted) Optimal allocation of captive-reared birds in endangered species conservation: decisions when divergent dynamics characterize managed populations. Journal of Wildlife Management.

  • Pacifici K, Dorazio RM, Conroy MJ (2012) A two-phase sampling design for increasing detections of rare species in occupancy surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00201.x.

  • Pacifici K, Simons TR, Pollock KH (2008) Effects of vegetation and background noise on the detection process in auditory avian point count surveys. Auk 125: 600-607.

  • Alldredge MW, Pacifici K, Simons TR, Pollock KH (2008) A field evaluation of the effectiveness of distance and independent observer sampling to estimate aural avian detection probabilities. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1349-1356.

  • Alldredge MW, Simons TR, Pollock KH, Pacifici K (2007) A field evaluation of the time-of detection method to estimate population size and density for aural avian point counts. Avian Conservation and Ecology - Ecologie et conservation des oiseaux 2(2): 13. [online] URL:
Book Chapters:
  • Simons TR, Pollock KH, Wettroth JM, Alldredge MW, Pacifici K, Brewster JP (2009) Sources of measurement error, misclassification error, and bias in auditory avian point count data in Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. Thompson, D.L., E.G. Cooch, and M.J. Conroy (editors). Springer, New York, NY.