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What we do...
The Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center is involved in a wide array of applied ecological research projects to develop data and tools needed by natural resource managers, agencies and conservation organizations. Since it's inception, the Center has focused on geospatial data and tools needed to assess current conservation status, identify priorities, and assess potential threats to biodiversity at the landscape level.

The BaSIC Lab has been integral to the National Gap Analysis Project since 1996 when the lab initiated the North Carolina Gap Analysis Project. Upon completion of the state effort the lab served as the coordinating center for the Southeast Gap Analysis Project and currently plays a key role in data development and research to advance the National Gap Analysis Project. NatGap NCGap SEGap
The goal of this collaborative effort was to develop a framework for assessing the potential of different conservation design schemes to sustain wildlife populations in the Southeastern U.S. by providing states, joint ventures and other partners metrics for quantifying the potential impact of their management decisions. more...
The EDA group brings together experience in conservation planning, fish and wildlife ecology, and statistics to develop novel approaches to support adaptive management and monitoring. We use a variety of techniques to deliver products that strategically combine available data and expert knowledge. Projects include habitat management plans, protected area design, species recovery plans, and biodiversity assessment metrics. more...

The Biological and Spatial Information Center is located within the
North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at North Carolina State University.
Funding and support provided by:
NC Coop. F&WL Research Unit Applied Ecology - NCSU Gap Analysis Project USGS

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last updated: 11/21/2019 15:04:04